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After incessantly ringing the doorbell to Jungkook's and Jimin's flat for what felt like the millionth time, they finally swung open the door, looking utterly disheveled and breathless. Hoseok couldn't help but cringe as he pushed past them to enter, eager to escape the awkwardness. Taehyung and Jin followed suit, presenting the couple with the gifts they had chosen.

"Is it that obvious?" Jungkook leaned down to whisper, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Don't worry, they already know," he reassured, straightening his rumpled shirt. "But hey, how about we give them a show?" he teased, causing Jimin's jaw to drop in surprise. "I had no idea you were into that," Jimin gasped, feigning shock. "You're impossible," Jungkook chuckled, passing the gifts to Jimin, who was grinning cheekily before sauntering away.

The dinner proceeded in a casual manner, with Hoseok and Jimin engaging in their usual banter. It was clear that Hoseok still hadn't made amends with Yoongi, and it was starting to irk Jimin for all the right reasons. There was no point in dwelling on Namjoon anymore.

Meanwhile, Jungkook and Jin seemed to hit it off effortlessly, leaving Taehyung feeling like the third wheel. "I really adore this Felix Gonzalez artwork. I heard Namjoon is a fan of his work," jungkook mentioned, trying to find common ground.

Jungkook expresses, "I adore it as well. I just hope no one else can relate to it. It's a bit melancholic, but I find the idea of two clocks stopping at the same time quite intriguing. It's almost as if the universe aligns when you love someone, bringing you together to become one." His voice trails off as he gazes at Jimin, who is engrossed in conversation with Hoseok. "Let's hope not,"

Jin remarks, "You're head over heels in love." He then glances at Taehyung, who appears preoccupied with his phone, possibly texting someone. "You are too. He'll come around, don't worry," he whispers discreetly to, ensuring Taehyung doesn't catch on, making Jin chuckle softly.

"Time for dessert," Jimin declares, presenting the cake. "Jungkook and I baked this together," he beams, placing it on the table and serving slices to everyone in the room.

"I won't eat much, so I'll share with Jin," Taehyung states, moving to sit beside Jin. "Hey," he plants a kiss on Jin's shoulder. "Hi," Jin responds, his voice unintentionally softer. Taehyung always manages to make him blush.

"This cake is amazing, have a taste," he offers the spoon to jin. Jin reluctantly accepts, "Wow, this is delicious, Great job, guys," he compliments the couple. "Oh, there's a bit on your lips," Taehyung says before jimin can pass a napkin. Taehyung quickly wipes the cake off jin's lips with his finger and then suck his thumb clean. Everyone at the table is stunned at what he did. "What's the matter?" Taehyung asks innocently.

"I've never met someone quite like you, Taehyung. You have nag for charming people. It comes naturally to you,"

"Why do you say that? I only have eyes for jin hyung. I hope my charm is working because I can't keep it in much longer," Taehyung rests his head on Jin's shoulder. Seokjin's mind is in a whirlwind, wondering what Taehyung meant by that.

"Are you feeling alright?" Taehyung notices Jin's distant expression.

"Yes, everything's fine," Jin replies, trying to cover up his thoughts. But deep down, he's preoccupied with the idea of asking Taehyung out tomorrow, and the thought of making it official is causing him a great deal of anxiety.

The following morning, Jin wakes up beside Taehyung. It has become their routine to cuddle before falling asleep. Jin moves around in bed, turning to face Taehyung, who is still snuggled up to him. "Taetae," he says softly. Taehyung stirs in his sleep. "Wake up, baby," Jin whispers, burying his face in Taehyung's neck. "I don't want to get up yet. Let's go back to sleep," Taehyung replies, hugging Jin tighter. "We have a lot of plans for today. Come on, get up. I'll make us breakfast, and then we have to get ready for our date."

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