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Jin checks the time on his wristwatch. The event is set to begin in an hour, yet one of the works they are supposed to display has not arrived. Anxiously pacing around the hall, he considers his options until Namjoon appears with the painting in tow. "Oh God, it's here. I was just about to call you," Jin breathes a sigh of relief at the sight of the painting.

Namjoon reassures Jin to relax, noticing his tense demeanor, " Don't sweat too much everything is settled you did a good job. Also, is Taehyung coming?" Namjoon inquires, "I noticed one invitation missing from my table." Adjusting his glasses, Jin avoids meeting Namjoon's gaze, ashamed of what he had done. "So you took it. Just ask me next time, instead of sneaking it out," Namjoon's tone is stern as he speaks to him. Jin straightens his back, still avoiding eye contact. The tickets are hard-earned for true enthusiasts, and Namjoon's curated events have this special quality, making it clear he disapproves of Jin's actions.

All Jin wishes for is Taehyung to witness his first organized exhibition. Since their last encounter on Sunday, Jin has been trying to act normal and stop overthinking. They have returned to their usual routine of commuting together to work and hanging out at each other's places. Although they both seem to be avoiding intimacy, Jin doesn't dwell on it too much. It was normal for them even before they became boyfriends. What truly matters is that they are talking and enjoying each other's company as they always have.

Seokjin's attention was fully absorbed by the event that had begun, causing him to initially overlook Taehyung's absence. However, when he finally had a moment to spare, his immediate instinct was to search for Taehyung in the crowd. After glancing at the time, he realized that half an hour had slipped by. Concerned as to why his boyfriend still hasn't shown up, he attempted to reach Taehyung by phone, but all his calls went unanswered.

Hoseok joins Jin at his side, noticing his troubled expression. "What's the matter? You have been frowning at your phone," he inquires, wrapping his arms around Jin's shoulders. "I managed to sneak Taehyung an invitation, but he hasn't shown up, namjoon caught me as well. Isn't exactly happy about it," Jin laments, trying his best to push aside any negative feelings. "Perhaps something came up. The event will go on until late this evening. He might arrive later," Hoseok reassures him.

"Hoseok, Jin," Namjoon's voice interrupts their conversation. Turning around, Jin greets  the new guest with a smile, while Hoseok's face loses color. "Allow me to introduce Mr. Min Yoongi. He's a key contributor to the event, the building's owner where we work, and the CEO of the company on the top floor," Namjoon explains. Jin extends his hand with a warm smile, saying, "I'm Kim Seokjin, pleased to meet you."

While Hoseok remains still unable to comprehend what just occurred, he realizes that this was not part of his plans for the day. After spending time at Jimin's place on Friday, he contacted the number Jimin had given him, and they ended up going on a date over the weekend, which ultimately led to them having sex. Since then, Hoseok had been avoiding Yoongi, never expecting to run into him at this event.

Namjoon clears his throat, indicating his concern about Hoseok's unusual behavior. "Hello, nice to meet you," he says urgently, extending his hand for a handshake. "And your name?" Yoongi teases, "I am Hoseok, Jung Hoseok," he replies, gripping Yoongi's hand tightly, and clenching his teeth, "Namjoon, I would like Hoseok to assist me around the gallery. I hope that won't disrupt your plans."

Namjoon quickly addresses the request, saying, "No, it's alright. Hoseok, please go ahead." After they both leave, Namjoon turns to Jin and apologizes, "I'm sorry for earlier. You put so much effort into the exhibition's framework, and I should have let you in about an extra invite earlier on."  Jin smiles and responds, "It's alright. I don't mind the boss getting angry at me every once in a while, which makes namjoon laugh,
"Did Taehyung arrive yet?"

Jin's anxiety resurfaces as he hears Taehyung's name and realizes his absence. Throughout the rest of the evening, he tries his best to distract himself from the fact that Taehyung had ditched their plans and failed to show up on such an important day for him. After the first day of the exhibition finally comes to an end, Namjoon extends an invitation to the entire team to celebrate. However, Jin declines, feeling drained and not in the mood for any celebration.

As he returns home, Jin's shoulders slump, and his gaze falls upon Taehyung's door. Despite his reluctance, it takes a few minutes before he musters the courage to ring the doorbell. To his surprise, the girl he saw with Taehyung at the cafeteria answered the door. "Hey, how can I help you?" she asks, her tone slightly off. Jin inquires about Taehyung's whereabouts, to which she responds, "He's sleeping. Why do you ask?" She fidgets with her hair and adds, "You're Seokjin, right? Taehyung has mentioned you. I'll let him know you stopped by. It's quite late, though." Her voice quivers, with uncertainty.

Dumbfounded, Jin retreats, realizing that Taehyung had indeed been cheating on him. He turns away and heads back inside, unsure of what he should do next. This time, he decides to call Hoseok. It takes a while for Hoseok to answer, but fortunately, he does not ignore Jin's call. "Can we talk?" Jin's voice trembles, prompting Hoseok to excuse himself from the table and ask, "Hey, what's wrong?"

" Taehyung didn't show up at the exhibition today. After returning home-" Jin lets out the first outburst of tears . "Please calm down. What seems to be the matter? Why are you crying like this?" Hoseok panics, yet attempts to maintain composure. "He cheated on me. I stopped by his place, thinking there might be a good explanation, but a girl answered the door, and I..." he sniffs, "I'm so stupid. There's absolutely no way he could have had genuine feelings for me."

"I'm on my way to you. I need you to relax and compose yourself, alright? Unfortunately, what has happened can not be changed. I'm sorry, my love, you do not deserve any of this," he understands that his words may not bring Seokjin any comfort, but he tries nonetheless, "I will arrive shortly."

When Hoseok arrives, Jin immediately collapses into his arms, crying. "I should have known this was too good to be true. Not even a week in, and he cheats me," he sobs, "I am so pathetic."

Hoseok allows him to rant everything out of his system but takes offense when Seokjin berates himself. "You are not pathetic. He deceived you into believing that he genuinely cared for you. You are in no way responsible for his actions."

Jin took some time to calm down and eventually stopped crying. He fell asleep in Hoseok's arms and slept through the night. Hoseok decided to stay over and fell asleep next to Seokjin. The following morning, they were both awakened by the continuous ringing of the doorbell. Seokjin was the first to wake up and went to answer the door. Taehyung stood there, looking upset. "I'm sorry," he said, reaching out for a hug but was pushed away by Jin. "Go away," Jin said, trying to close the door, but Taehyung pushed it open. "Please listen to me," he pleaded.

"The audacity, Less than a week into our relationship, and you cheated on me? What is there to listen to? I knew it all along. You're just fucking around," Jin cried, his eyes still swollen from the night before. "No, I didn't cheat on you, I swear," Taehyung tried to explain.

"Shut up. Just leave now. It's my fault for believing you when you said you liked me. I understand, you can't commit-" Jin stopped himself mid-sentence. "Please, just go."

"I didn't cheat on y-" he's pushed out of the apartment by Jin. Upon hearing the commotion, Hoseok comes out and stops Jin from using force. "I know you're angry, but I need you to calm down, Seokjin. This isn't right," he then turns to Taehyung. "He doesn't want to talk right now, so..."

He was taken aback to see Taehyung in a distressed state. Something wasn't adding up. Last night, when he came inside the building, he saw the girl he had seen Taehyung with at the cafeteria before, running out of the building in a hurry. Now, seeing Taehyung disheveled and panicked, if he had so blatantly cheated, shouldn't he be playing it off?

He pulls Jin inside the apartment and shuts the door. "Look at me," he holds Jin's face in his hands, wiping away the tears. "Don't do or say something in anger ever. You always end up regretting such moments. If you want to take it out, then do it in front of me. Don't give yourself away in this manner to anyone you don't completely trust." Jin nods in understanding. "Do you want me to call out from work?" he asks, "No, I'd rather stay distracted."

A/N: This story will be finishing soon. The next part will have a triggering theme.

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