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Jin placed the cup of coffee on the table, having coffee with Mr. Kaze, on the other hand, Taehyung was occupied with Mr. Kaze's dogs. It was now the following morning, and Jin was engaged in the conversation they had come for.

"I would like to present Namjoon's proposal to you. He greatly admires your work and hopes that you would consider showcasing it in our exhibition, adding more depth to its meaning," Jin said as he handed over an envelope.

"This particular piece holds a special place in my heart, which is why I haven't displayed it yet. However, after over hearing your conversation with Mr. Kim, last night, I had a change of heart. I accept this proposal for you, my dear."

Jin was taken aback by Mr. Kaze's unexpected response. Uncertain of what to say, he cleared his throat and unfolded it with a thankyou.

"The painting is related to my best friend and our love. We deeply loved each other, but unfortunately, he passed away from cancer at a young age before we could even be together. For years, I blamed myself for his death, thinking it was a consequence of my sins.

It took me a long time to realize that our love was not a sin. The cancer was not a punishment for either of us. Once I accepted this truth, I painted this piece to dedicate to our lost love. It holds immense personal importance for me, which is why I hesitated to exhibit it. However, I am now ready to be vulnerable and let go," he explained, his face reflecting the evident sadness.

"It must have been incredibly difficult for you. I am sorry that you had to endure such pain," Jin expressed his sympathy,

"Do not apologize. Allow me to present to you the painting. Also, please bring your dork with you," he gestures towards Taehyung, who was on the floor imitating a dog rolling on the floor. Jin chuckled at Taehyung's antics, noting how much of a dork he truly was and how he brought out the childlike side of Jin as well.

"Let us go see the artwork," he extends his arm for Taehyung to hold, "Thank you, what do you say? Should we consider adopting a puppy as well?"

Jin quickly responded, "One pet is enough for now.

"Are you implying that I'm like a dog?" Taehyung, looking genuinely offended, asked, "No, more like a puppy," Jin clarified. "I'm genuinely interested in getting a dog, i am, serious hyung," Taehyung added.

Jin insisted, "I prefer not to have a dog. I'd rather have a cat if we really on the topic of adopting pets."

Taehyung expressed his disappointment, shaking his head, "I can't believe you're a cat person."

"Wasn't it obvious from the start? I'm a cat person, and you're a dog person."

Before Taehyung could reply, they arrived at the room Mr. Kaze was leading them to. "It has been locked for quite some time, so please excuse the mess."

He proceeds to remove the white clothes from a painting. It was a painting of night blooming Cereus, a flower that only blossoms for a single night before withering away. That fact alone could explain its transient beauty. "I typically don't paint flowers, but for him, I made an exception," Mr. Kaze said with a sad smile as he gazed at the artwork. "I have a condition, Mr. Kim. I will allow you to exhibit 'nevertheless,' but I also want to display these," he revealed a few additional pieces, which were photographs of his lover, most likely taken by him.

"I'm certain that won't be a problem. Thank you very much," he bows, and Taehyung follows suit.

After leaving Mr. Kaze's place, they both decided to explore the city for a while before driving back home. They came across a park that had been recommended online, so we decided to visit it.

The scenery was breathtaking, with mountains surrounding the landscape. Reconnecting with nature always brought a sense of joy. And for Taehyung, it felt like home. He had grown up on a farm with his grandparents after his parents passed away in an accident. Before starting university, his grandmother had also passed away, and now his brother was taking care of their grandfather, who had inherited the farm. His brother had been deeply passionate about it. On the other hand, Taehyung had always desired to live in the city, but deep down, his heart belonged to where he came from.

Taehyung pulls out his camera to capture the moment because he wants to send it to his brother. Jin, looking puzzled, questions, "Seriously? Have you never felt the urge to photograph me?"

Jin's remark catches Taehyung's attention, "What do you mean?"

"Am I not as worthy of being photographed as this scene?" Taehyung wonders if Jin is joking, so he continues, "Well, the scene was stunning, the mountains, the greenery."

"So I'm not, then," Jin laughs, "Are you throwing a fit?" Taehyung inquires. Jin playfully hits him behind the knee, causing Taehyung to yelp and watch Jin limp back to the car.

Taehyung follows him, "What's the matter? It can't just be about this."

Jin shrinks into the car seat, "It is just about this. Take pictures of me too. What if one day, we're just memories?"

Taehyung responded, "Hyung, please, don't say that. If anything were to happen to you, I promise I'll be by your side until the end, live for one day, then follow you." It was the same thought that crossed his mind when he looked at the paintings. "Stop lying, no you won't," he added.

"I'm serious, I can't imagine a life without you now,"

Jin replied with a smile. "And if you don't follow me after i die, my ghost will haunt you until it takes you with it."

"Alright, it's a deal," Taehyung agreed as he pulled out his phone. "By the way, I take a lot of pictures of you. I was just about to send one to my brother, who looks after our grandfather back home."

"After hearing Mr. Kaze's story, I was overwhelmed. I never want to lose you. I wish there was a way to freeze these moments with you forever," Jin confessed as he leaned his head on Taehyung's shoulder. "I love you so much, even though I don't say it often. I know you may not feel the same way right now, so I refrain from saying it. But I felt the need to say it right now."

" You need not be concerned about that matter. Say it whenever you feel like," he gently runs his fingers through Jin's hair, " So, what do you say? A cat and a dog, both, perhaps? I am willing to make a compromise. I believe we should consider adopti-?"

Jin interrupts before his boyfriend can continue talking about it again, saying, "No, Taehyung."

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