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The weekend came creeping in slower than a snail on a rollercoaster for Jin. He stared at the calendar every day like a hawk, waiting for the blessed weekend to make its grand entrance. By the time it finally rolled around, Jin was practically a ball of nerves. Of course, he would never admit it out loud, especially not to Taehyung.

Meanwhile, Taehyung was in a tizzy about impressing Jin. This was his big shot to show Seokjin what he was made of, and he wasn't about to blow it. With the help of his trusty sidekicks, Jungkook and Jimin, Taehyung planned what he hoped would be a flawless date. They were his go-to guys for this kind of thing, considering he was a newbie in the dating game.

Their daily commute from home to the office and back was a whirlwind of chaos, as per usual. On Thursday, Jin threatened to jump out of the moving car if it meant avoiding Taehyung's company a second longer. But next morning he came knocking on Taehyung's door again, clearing his throat he asserted, " Let's get going we are getting late," Taehyung smirked in response, " I thought you'd rather kill yourself than carpooling with me again," which earned him an eye roll from seokjin,

Their musical tastes clashed like titans, with Jin preferring indie jams while Taehyung vibed with jazz, which jin aas familiar with, his first every complaint lodged to Taehyung was to not blast music. It was a constant battle for the radio station. Taehyung was all about that fresh air, rolling down the windows like he was in a music video, while Jin shivered at the mere thought of a chilly breeze. Friday brought a hilarious moment when Jin jokingly yanked Taehyung's hair for slamming the brakes unexpectedly because he had forgotten his phone at his desk. Taehyung fired back, " I would pull your hairs too, but I don't wish to see you bald even before I get to date you," earning himself a playful smack from Jin. Age jokes were off the table.

Finally, the day had arrived. Jin paced nervously around the living room, his heart racing in anticipation. Hoseok observed him through the camera lens, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Just wear the first outfit, Seokjin," he advised. "It's neither too bold nor too casual. Why are you so anxious? It's just Taehyung, after all."

Jin shot his friend a glare, his eyes filled with a mixture of excitement and anxiety. "It's not just Taehyung," he corrected firmly. "It's someone I've had a crush on for the longest time. This is a big deal."

Hoseok chuckled mischievously, the sound filling the room. "I thought you didn't want to date him," he teased. "Wear the ugliest outfit you have. Scare him away!" Jin playfully rolled his eyes before abruptly ending the phone call. "Dammit," he muttered under his breath.

Glancing at the time, Jin realized that he had only an hour left until Taehyung arrived to pick him up. With determination, he headed towards his wardrobe, rummaging through his collection of clothes. After careful consideration, he settled on straight fit jeans, pairing them with his favorite Thom Browne shirt and his trusty Off-White sneakers.

Taking a quick bath, Jin swiftly changed into his chosen outfit. As he anxiously watched the seconds tick away, he could feel his heart pounding in his chest. It felt like the longest and slowest five minutes of his entire life. And then, finally, the doorbell rang.

Jin rushed to open the door, his pulse quickening. "Hi," he greeted Taehyung, his eyes taking in the sight of the man standing before him. Taehyung was dressed impeccably, far better than Jin had anticipated. In that instant, Jin couldn't help but feel a pang of self-doubt.

But before he could utter a word, Taehyung spoke up. "Let's go," he said, his voice filled with a combination of excitement and warmth. Jin hesitated for a moment, feeling underdressed in comparison. "No," he replied decisively, stepping back from the doorway. "I'm underdressed. I should go change."

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