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"Hold on, hyung," Taehyung warns as Jin nearly trips in the company's parking area. It has been a week since Jin's discharge, and they have had numerous conversations, ultimately resolving their conflicts.

Their regular routine has resumed, and today marks their first day back at work. "Why don't we grab dinner on the way home?" Jin embraces Taehyung from behind, but Taehyung tenses up in his arms. Sensing his discomfort, Jin releases him with Taehyung, saying, "That sounds like a plan."

Taehyung finds it difficult to let go of what happened to him and feels embarrassed, acknowledging that it still affects him. However, Jin has noticed Taehyung's hesitancy when it comes to intimacy. He observes Taehyung's body freeze up at his touch, as if any form of closeness or affection burns him. Additionally, he wasn't ready to discuss it at the moment, so Jin chose to wait until he felt prepared to ask for assistance.

"Hey," Hoseok exclaims, Jin can't recall a time when his best friend appeared this ecstatic, "So, what's the deal with you and Yoongi?" Jin inquires, skipping the usual formalities. "Things have been great between us. He's actually a pretty cool guy," Hoseok replies, grinning. "We're actually planning a small getaway for the weekend, so I won't be around. He even wants me to meet his family."

Whenever someone mentions family, Seokjin can't help but think about his own. His family is still alive and well. They live at the outskirts of Seoul. Even though he's not around much, they don't seem to pay him much attention or what he has been up to. He has a younger sister who occasionally checks up on him, but he realizes that he and Taehyung have never really discussed their families. Perhaps he can bring it up in their next conversation.

" I'm really happy for you and Yoongi. I hope everything turns out well for both of you. But if you're not available this weekend, who am I supposed to go with to convince Mr. Kaze to display his hidden painting for our next exhibition? Namjoon told me you would come with me, and it's a really important matter," he sighs, realizing that he'll have to go alone.

"Just take Taehyung with you. Don't go alone. It's quite far, and you'll be using the company's card. Go and have a good time," he says with a mischievous smile, trying to sound convincing. "He's already stressed out, and I don't want to make it worse."

"Why is he stressed out?" Hoseok asks, showing concern upon hearing this. "Well, you know what happened to him. He feels uncomfortable whenever someone tries to get close to him, so I've been giving him space."

" Maybe you could take advantage of this trip to help him open up as well. It's going to be a long journey, but keep in mind that healing from his what he has gone through won't be easy," he nods in understanding, knowing that he needs to be patient. The last thing he wants is for Taehyung to be uncomfortable around him.

"Have a good time," Jin tells him before returning to his desk.

The work was monotonous, following the same routine. Despite that, he enjoyed his job. This was what he had always wanted for himself. He knew he wouldn't make it as an artist, but putting together the art was an art in itself, and it satisfied Seokjin's creative urge. It was tough in the beginning. Even after working for more than 5 years at his previous company, he was pushed beyond his limits and taken advantage of. He never had his own exhibition, but Namjoon recognized his talent and hired him as his main curator, giving him the chance to advance in his career.

He peeks at his phone, the notifications that appear make him grin, and he's aware it's Taehyung, probably inviting him to leave work early for their dinner date. With only an hour left, he turns off his phone. It's really difficult to concentrate on anything when you have a boyfriend.

When he finishes work, Taehyung is waiting outside the office exit, "Hey," he hands him the iced coffee he purchased for Jin, "Thank you for this."

"Are you available this weekend?" he inquires as they stroll together outside the building, "Yeah, why do you ask?"

"I have to drive to Geoje Island this weekend for work. Would you like to come along? If you're comfortable, of course," the elevator door opens, and Taehyung becomes tense at the sight of the crowd, "Let's take the stairs," Jin nudges Taehyung's arm, "Will you be driving alone?"

"Well, yeah, I'm totally planning on coming back the same day," taking the stairs to the ground floor was definitely not the brightest idea, "I'll tag along with you, it's way too far to be traveling alone, why on earth would namjoon send you there solo," he cringes, "if you don't want to come, it's cool," Jin adds.

"What part of my sentence made you think that? Of course I want to come, to geoje with you, it's like a dream," he instinctively holds Jin's hand, usually the older one would make a fuss about it, but he lets it slide, doesn't make a big deal out of it, knowing it would only push Taehyung further away.

"So, what's on the menu for dinner?" Jin asks, "I'm craving some fast food," Taehyung knows that Jin isn't a fan of greasy goodness, "I'll let it slide today, but for our next 10 dinner dates, no fast food," he glares, "And I'm dead serious," Taehyung smirks at him,"Serious my ass,"

Jin smacks him, "screw you, go by yourself," sounding a little too serious,
"Are you actually offended? Seriously-?"

"Gotcha, bleh, offended my ass," he runs away, freeing his hand, "Let's see who can reach the car first. Loser pays the bill,"

Of course, Taehyung had to lose this one. He loves paying for both of them. He wonders if Seokjin knows this.

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