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The police officer briefs Taehyung on the situation as he sits next to jungkook, his head lowered in distress. "It is troubling to hear that she is on the run and did not show up for work today," the officer begins. Taehyung's voice is strained from crying as he questions himself, "How did she manage to do this? Why did she do this to me? I feel so ashamed."

Jungkook comforts Taehyung, assuring him that "it is not your fault and that you're a victim. Also, we need to get you tested and ensure your safety by moving you away from there," Jungkook says, gently rubbing Taehyung's back. Taehyung takes out his frustration, slamming his hand on the table, "I am not weak. She drugged me, and I was helpless, she can't harm me anymore."

Observing the woman's disturbing behavior, the officer advises Taehyung to listen to his friend. The officer promises that she will be apprehended and face charges. "You should get tested as soon as possible, and we will provide an officer to assist you for added security. Stay at home. Also, make sure the boyfriend you mentioned stays away from the building and work. I believe she may try to harm him when she resurfaces," the officer advises, nudging Taehyung. "Do not consider yourself weak or be ashamed. You are the victim here. That woman committed a crime, not you."

Jungkook attempts to assist him in standing up, but his efforts are rejected as he forcefully pushes away his hands. "I can not believe this," he exclaims as he hastily exits the station. Realizing that he forgot his phone at home, Jungkook drives him to the hospital, where he undergoes a rape kit examination.

Meanwhile, back at the office, there is a buzz of gossip surrounding the incident as the police have also arrived to investigate. Sufficient evidence is gathered at the building, ultimately proving the guilt of Min-hi. It was during yesterday's lunch break when she approached Taehyung with two drinks in hand, not the first time she had offered him a drink. Ultimately, he accepted it, but after just an hour, Taehyung began to feel unwell and decided to leave work early in hopes of getting some rest. From that point on, his recollection of events becomes hazy. He vaguely remembers returning home, and as he was about to close the door, Min-hi forcefully entered his place.

He recalls her shouting at him for being gay and for being with Seokjin, and then she proceeded to assault him in an attempt to "fix" Taehyung. The last thing he remembers is resisting her until he eventually loses consciousness.

Jin anxiously gazed at his phone throughout the day, eagerly awaiting a call from Taehyung. However, Taehyung didn't make any attempt to reach out. During the break, instead of taking time off, Jin chose to stay at his desk and focus on his work, trying his best to distract himself. As two of his colleagues, who primarily dealt with marketing, walked by, their interactions with him were relatively minimal.

"Seokjin-ssi, have you heard about what happened?" one of them approached his desk. Jin looked up at her, shaking his head. "That's surprising, I thought you were friends with Taehyung?" Mentioning Taehyung's name, Jin quickly sat up straight, curiosity piqued. "What happened with Taehyung?"

"Apparently, he was sexually assaulted by a woman. She works, umm, I believe at the advertising company on the ground floor. Everybody is talking about the police coming to investigate. The woman is currently on the run, and it seems she had been stalking him," she explained.

Jin didn't wait to hear more. He hastily left the office building and rushed back home, even though he received no response when he rang the bell at Taehyung's house. Frantically, he tried calling Taehyung, but his calls went unanswered. Just as he was about to call Jimin, he noticed Taehyung approaching the door accompanied by Jungkook. Seeing Taehyung in person, Jin felt at a loss for words, unsure of how to approach him.

Taehyung walked past him, leaving the other standing awkwardly. He observed as Jungkook entered the apartment, giving them space. Jin, on the other hand, struggled to find the right words to express himself in front of Taehyung. He found himself unable to speak, opting instead to stare at the floor.

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