11th February 2024

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Hi guys. I hope you're doing well.

Let's start with today's weather. Right now, as I'm writing, it's bright, sunny and warm outside. But I'm sure what's gonna happen in the evening. I'll become too cold to go outside without wearing body-warmers. And this has been the weather throughout the week. One or two weeks ago, it had rained for few days here & after the rain, the Winter suddenly disappeared! But all of a sudden, it seems like Winter came back saying, "Surprise mfs!"

Now, all I have is a blocked nose & a coughing throat. I'm taking my meds, & its quite in control rn.

I almost forgot. Happy Lunar New Year everyone 🎊. I was wondering if there's a ritual to make a wish on this day. I wish I can meet BTS as soon as possible.

I know, I'm being delulu again. But for funzies, let's assume that I'll meet Buddhu in future for sure, both the celebrity-crush & my future spouse. For once I thought, I'd recognise Budhhu, the celeb; but what about Buddhu, the future spouse? I won't know them or recognise them.

If I meet my future spouse, I would tell him to marry someone else instead of me. I have no plans to get marry until I turn 80. No joke, I'm serious.

Anyways, as in previous chapters, my spirit-guides often remind me of songs as signal & often they said that BTS is actually reading this. I still doubt this msg coz if one or all BTS members are reading this diary, it'd at least reflect on status, which it didn't.

This week I thought to check up on my AO3 diary. Ya! I've a diary on AO3 as well. But I'm not consistent with it, plus I'm writing that in Bengali or Benglish.

Spirit-guides said that BTS has found out my AO3 profile, which is again very hilarious & ridiculous at the same time. Coz, again it didn't reflect on status as they said. But regardless, it's good be in delusion thinking that someone gets a little happier because of my diary.

It's 2:42 PM IST rn and I'm feeling a bit tired. Plus I'm constantly forgetting things I wanna say.

I'll come back if I wanna add more this chapter. If not, see you next week.

Take care.


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