Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

Adam looked him up and down and stood his ground.

The eyes in the visor reddened and the mouth stopped grinning.

"Listen maggot. I'm a senior and not just any senior. If I tell you to get out of my way you do it."


Jake moved in front of Adam. "We don't want trouble. Let's just put this behind us. My brother's new and this is first day."

"His first day is it?" sneered Clifford Watt. "Oh well I will let this one pass. Let him simply step aside and we'll forget the whole thing. I'm feeling generous today."

Whitesnake regarded Adam coldly and Caliban snarled.

"No," said Adam. "You go round me."

Clifford Watt moved his visor close to Adam.

"You got a mouth on you and you need to be taught a lesson in manners."

Jake lost his temper "Hey pal! You take on my brother you take on me. Now push off and annoy someone else."

"And you can take me on," said Brigitte.

"And me," said George.

The red eyes on Watt's' visor regarded George. "You? What can you do?"

"Try me and find out," said George.

Watt punched a fist into the palm of his other hand repeatedly and the red eyes on his visor glared at Adam. Adam felt cold and his heart thudded. His breathing was ragged and he felt his chest tighten but no matter how afraid he was, all day long there had been a simmering resentment and anger and now this fool had caused it all to boil over. Adam was not going to be pushed around.

"I'm a Brodie," he said.

Watt's eyes glowed the brightest crimson. "Fun time."

George leapt into the air, his cartoon wings beating furiously, and he blew cartoon fire into the face of Caliban and then, diving, he blew more fire at Watt's visor. Jake lunged at Whitesnake who deftly sidestepped the blow and whacked Jake with her staff.

Both Brigitte and Adam grabbed the end of the staff and tried to pull it from her. She pulled back but Jake grabbed her from behind. She tried a shoulder throw but Jake made a counter move.

Adam gave one enormous pull and wrest the staff from Whitesnake. Next he positioned the staff in both his hands and thrust it at Whitesnake's nose. It connected and she staggered away.

Without her staff Whitesnake seemed helpless. The cartoon fire blinding Caliban faded but he was still blundering forward. Adam stuck the staff between his legs and he stumbled, collapsing. Not for long though, the half boy, half dog was soon back on his feet.

Brigitte stuck something between her lips and blew. Caliban thrust his human hands over his dog ears and ran away whimpering. Brigitte showed Adam the thing she had been blowing.

"Dog whistle. I never leave home without it."

"What do you carry a dog whistle?"

"Duh! We have huskies. Christmas, you know."

The cartoon fire cleared across Watt's visor.

"That won't work again," said Watt. "I set my visor for infra-red. Now I will finish this."

He reached for a pouch on his utility belt. Just then something sped past the children, something like a streak of silver, lifted Watt off the ground and the streak and Clifford Watt vanished.

"What was that?" gasped Adam.

Adam Brodie and the monster from the dark planetWhere stories live. Discover now