Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

The stranger was dressed in Lincoln green. He wore a tattered cap which was also green and had a tiny feather in it. He wore ancient clogs that were almost falling apart and caked in mud. His clothes were ragged and frayed and looked as though they were about fall off him. He smelt like a compost heap.

He was very tall and his mass of black hair was tangled and looked like a great bird's nest. It even had bits of twigs and leaves and grass sticking out. He was extremely thin, almost skeletal. The bones of his skull stuck out under skin that seemed stretched over them. In one hand he carried a long bow and in the other a quiver of arrows.

"Don't tell me," said Adam. "You are the son of Robin Hood."

"Yes, I'm Malcolm. How did you know?"

"A lucky guess. My name's Adam."

Malcolm stuck out a grime caked hand and then pulled it back.

"Hold on. I'll give it a little clean."

Malcolm spat on his hand and rubbed the palm against his tunic. He put out the hand again.

"It's good honest English dirt," he said.

Adam took the hand and shook it. He got some of the good honest English dirt from another age on his hand. He was about to ask Malcolm why he didn't speak Olde English and then he realised Malcolm probably did, but the translator necklace every student wore was turning Malcolm's English into his own, and his into Olde English.

"So you are from the future," said Malcolm. "And my father is famous in your time."

"Very," said Adam. "All over the world."

"I like that. I just had the best meal. I had venison pie and things called potatoes, and peas and gravy, and then I had a honeycomb and a horn of mead to wash it all down with. I've never had so much food. " He looked at the bed. "Is that a bed? Only the very rich can afford a bed in my time. I been sleeping on the ground for the past twelve years."

He leapt on the bed and bounced up and down on it.

"Is this just one of the wonders of the future?"

"You are in for one hell of a culture shock," said Adam.

"What did you say?"

Adam saw a tiny black dot leap from Malcolm and hop on the small cupboards alongside each bed, making its way towards Adam.

"What is that?"

"Oh that's a flea. Don't you have them in the future? Where I come from everyone, even the King, is crawling with them."

Other tiny black dots leapt from Malcolm and hopped towards Adam.

"You made some friends," said Malcolm happily. "My blood's a bit thin for them but you look well fed so they know where they can get a feast. Goodnight Adam."

Malcolm lay back on the bed, not taking his clothes off or even his clogs. He put his cap on his face. The light went off.

"Did the sun just go out?"

"Uh...yes," said Adam. Malcolm obviously knew nothing of electric lighting. "Sort of."

"Strange world."

"You have no idea," muttered Adam.

Soon Malcolm was snoring loudly. Despite the huge culture shock this young man had recently experienced it didn't seem to faze him. It seemed water off a duck's back. Adam wondered if the boy was stupid.

Adam took off his clothes in the dark and draped them over a chair next to his bed. He got underneath the sheets and closed his eyes. Malcolm stank. Adam almost wished he had Dracula's daughter, or son, as they would at least shower.

And his blood was being drunk in any case.

He felt itchy and started scratching all over. His skin felt as though tiny insects were biting into it. On the other hand he reflected he was sharing a room with Robin Hood's son, the son of the real life legendary hero of Sherwood Forest. That was definitely cool. His father did say if he didn't like it after spending one year at this place he could quit. Adam wondered if he would live that long. He fell asleep and dreamt about home.

He woke the next morning and saw light streaming in through the window. Malcolm was still lying on his back sound asleep and snoring through the cap over his face. Adam rose and went into the bathroom and took a shower. The shower cubicle dried him by blasting his body with warm air and then he re-entered the bedroom and dressed.

He felt extremely itchy and was covered in bite marks and could not stop scratching. Before breakfast he would see Matron.

Adam Brodie and the monster from the dark planetWhere stories live. Discover now