Chapter Forty Seven

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Chapter Forty Seven

Adam peered into a mirror on the wall before he left the surgery. He looked ghastly. One side of his head was puffed up and was yellow and black. There was a large cut across one cheek, a cut across his forehead and his lower lip was swollen. Adam ached all over his body. He thought he had never been in such a fight.

Brigitte was silent as they walked across a concourse.

"How do you feel?" said Adam.

"Fantastic. Next dumb question." She paused and then said. "Oh I'm sorry. I'm upset about my family. Who knows where they are."

"Like me and Jake. Still that trip wasn't wasted as we know your mum and dad and brother are prisoners, not dead, and so neither is Jake."

"How do we release them?"

Adam was silent.

"We don't have to go to lessons," said Brigitte. "Trinity gave us the rest of the afternoon off. What're you going to do?"

"Go to my room. After charging around Christmas world I feel so tired. Catch a few zees."

"Good idea," said Brigitte. "I think I'll do the same. See you at dinner."

"What happened to the fairy?"

"You asked that we three get transported to the Nexus so the fairy got left behind."

"I wonder why Krampus didn't destroy it before we got there."

"Maybe he was so arrogant he thought his trap so good he didn't need to get rid of the fairy."

Adam put his arm around Brigitte. "If I had gone by myself I would be a prisoner of whatever creep is behind all this. I owe it to you and the Bug I'm still free."

"The same applies to me." She looked at Adam and grinned. "We do make a team don't we. It was an exciting adventure."

"We ought to call ourselves the Scooby gang."

"What? Oh Scooby Doo. I don't think so. We don't have useless members like Scooby and Shaggy."

Adam returned to his room and lay on his bed. He kicked off his shoes and lay there going over the events of the day. He felt so tired. Then he fell asleep and when he woke up it was night. Adam glanced at the glowing numerals of the clock on the small cupboard by the side of his bed.

He had missed dinner. So what? He didn't feel very hungry, just tired. He stretched out on the bed and thought about their escape. Then he thought about Malcolm and looked over to the empty bed in the gloom. What had happened to him?

Where was Jake? Adam felt after all that running around Christmas world and nearly either getting himself and his friends killed or imprisoned he was no nearer knowing where his brother was, and certainly he was in no position to help him. Adam reflected on the experiences of the day and wondered how he and Brigitte and the Bug had managed to escape the trap set up. He felt he had been truly stupid to endanger their lives.

Despite the pain in his head and all over his body, Adam fell asleep once more and when he woke the intense sun of the planet Logos shone through the window. Adam felt wonderful and leapt up out of bed. Looking at the bed opposite he saw it was still empty. Adam decided he was going to visit Malcolm, no matter what Matron said.

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