Chapter Thirty Two

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Chapter Thirty Two

Adam looked up and his face was struck by a blast of cold air making his eyes water. He blinked the fluid away and saw huge beating wings and heard the rush of air as it thrust down from the beat of the wings.

Something dug into his shoulders and he looked to either side and saw a monstrous claw wrapped around each shoulder. He looked up again and saw a giant yellow beak and a small head and tiny, black glittering eyes.

He had been grabbed by a flying reptile.

It was bearing him aloft, higher and higher.

Adam struggled and flailed both arms trying to get free but he was caught in a grip of steel. The creature screamed an ear splitting cry that in turn made Adam scream with terror.

The monster's beak split again and the two sides clamped around Adam's head. He felt the bone crunching snap as the beak closed about his helmet. The helmet held against the force of the closing beak.

The creature again tried to snack on Adam's head and still the helmet would not yield. Once more the beast tried and still the helmet stopped the creature cracking Adam's head.

All at once the agonising pressure of the talons was released and Adam and the creature parted company. The monster's tiny brain had come to the conclusion Adam was inedible so it let him go.

Adam somersaulted in the air in a headlong plummet towards the ground.

Then something caught him and he was borne up and he heard the thrash of wings beside him.

He was in Matron's arms. She caught him as he fell to the planet. He looked at her and saw she was floating in the air kept aloft by her beating wings. She wore a belt to keep away the monsters, and this time this one worked.

"Now you know I can fly," she said.

Adam Brodie and the monster from the dark planetWhere stories live. Discover now