We Get Enrolled Into School, Woohoo!(MagnusPOV)

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I opened my eyes and they began to throb from the bright sunlight from outside.
I had fainted after healing three people at once and Alex had carried me back to my room. Speaking of Alex, I felt a heavy weight on my chest and noticed a small cat with emerald and brownish fur staring up at me with bright, amber and brown eyes.
I scratched her chin and picked her up.
I sat up and hugged her against my chest as she purred like an engine. I began looking around the room.
Sam and Shel were talking in the doorway of my bathroom, while gesticulating.
There was a sort of hologram beside them with a pretty girl that had brownish skin and braided, dark hair. Her eyes were like kaleidoscopes and they were staring right at us. I blinked and recognised her as one of the girls that we spoke to when the door Annabeth came through had opened.
Sam turned around and blushed with embarrassment.
She averted her eyes immediately,
"Magnus, you overexerted yourself by healing three of us at once. You died when we got you here and you just came back," she said.
"What, so?" I said.
Shel laughed and went to my closet. She opened it and said,
"Jeez, you're worse than Percy."
She grabbed a random shirt and jeans and threw them at me.
Then, it hit me.
I just regenerated.
Usually, I only had my underwear on when I regenerate.
"Ah, Frey. I forgot, you guys mind leaving for a second?"
"Yeah, sure. Give us a minute, Pipes," Shel said.
She waved a hand though the hologram-thing and Piper disappeared. She left the room and Sam followed suit, closing the door as she did so.
I looked down at the purring cat on my barechest and asked,
"What about you?"
She looked up at me lazily and gave my chest a small prod with her tongue before going back to human-form.
Even after months of witnessing this transformation, it still fascinated me.
The snout began to shrink and the fur disappeared, leaving a little bit on the top, which was her hair. Her body grew larger and the clothes she last wore appeared from out of nowhere. The eyes changed shape into a more humanlike form.
She was now laying on top off me as a human, resting her chin on her arms which were on my chest.
"Honestly, I'd rather stay, should I?" She moved closer to my face when we heard knocking from outside,
"Hurry up, Beantown!" Sam yelled.
Alex pouted and gave me a quick peck before moving back. She picked up the clothes and threw them at my face before getting up and sitting on the bed.
"Maybe, if we wrap this up fast..." She winked at me.
I froze in the middle of pulling my shirt on and I blushed right down to my neck.
"Put your clothes on, Magpie," She said.
That was a new nickname.
I did as she said.
I'm a good listener.
I heard a voice in my head saying,
"Sénor! What'd I miss?"
I looked down at my neck and saw Jack sitting there.
I had completely forgotten about my talking, singing, dancing sword.
He was currently in the form of a necklace that had a rune of Frey in the middle.
I pulled the necklace off and the string turned into dust while the runestone elongated into a golden sword.
"Hey, Jack. You were asleep the whole time, right?" I asked him, in the case he saw me and Alex's exchange earlier.
"Yeah! I heard a loud thump earlier, though. Then, I felt your energy fade away, that scared me but I was too sleepy to realize."
"Too sleepy to realize you were scared?" Alex asked, an eyebrow raised.
"Whatever! Anyways, what's up?" Jack asked.
Suddenly, the door slammed open.
Shel and Sam barged in, their eyes covered. Shel yelled,
"I dunno if you guys are making-out or whatever, but, I'm impatient!"
"Hey, we held back for you guys. Atleast, I did, Magnus is a wimp," Alex said.
She shrugged.
Wait, no.
It was subtle but, I noticed a change.
"He?" I asked.
Alex stared at me and blinked,
"Yeah, how did-?"
I smirked, proud.
"Is that a floating sword?" Shel asked, pointing at Jack. I nodded and Jack said,
"Well, Sénors and Sénoritas! I'm gonna go, I finally managed to snag a date with Riptide."
He smashed through my window and flew away, like some sort of a missile.
I crossed my arms and stood a bit more closer to Alex,
"Sooo, now what?"
"Well, now. I IM Piper, again," Shel said, pulling out another drachma out of her jeans pocket.
"How many of those do you have?" Asked Alex.
"Honestly, I dunno. Piper just put them in my pockets and said I can use them whenever."
Shel went into the bathroom and I heard her turning on my shower. I went to check what she was doing and saw that she took the showerhead from the top and placed it in the sink, the spray facing upwards.
A sprinkle of water flew out of the spray and the light-bulb above the sink created a rainbow.
Shel threw the drachma into the water and said,
"O, Fleecy. Do me a solid and show me Piper McLean at...wherever she is."
The hologram thing appeared again and I asked,
"Is this some Greek voodoo or something?"
"It's a communication system. Usually, the Goddess Of Rainbows-," "-Ah, so it's our Goddness, Maggie," Alex cut in. Shel giggled and continued.
"-Right, Iris. But, she's busy nowadays so, her apprentice takes care of it."
The hologram shimmered until it was a clear image.
Piper was asleep, a book covering her eyes. She laid across a sofa with her legs up on the armrest and her head resting on the other armrest.
"Pipes!" Shel yelled.
Piper snorted in surprise and jumped up, the book slipped off of her face.
"Sh-Shel?" She blinked.
"I thought you'd call me a bit later."
She sat more comfortablely on the sofa as Shel began to fill her in on what happened.
"Can you describe the voices?" Piper asked.
Alex raised a hand and said,
"One of them was like...I dunno, a knife scraping on metal. It was a scary voice...another was feminine and sleepy."
"The first sounds familiar, but...the second. I know that one, I-," Piper bit her lip and swallowed hard.
Alex rubbed his eyes and said,
"Well, this sounds really bad. I mean, considering your expression, I get the feeling this sleepy gal isn't good news."
Piper nodded.
Sam spoke up and said,
"Could there be any chance that...this could have something to do with your people?"
Piper thought for a minute.
"It's possible. I need to talk with the others. Anywho, I have class and-,"
"Is that a crow?" Piper asked.
"That's a raven," I said. It was missing an eye.
No way.
The raven turned into dust and in it's place was...
"All-Father!" Sam said, surprised to see her old boss.
"Al-Abbas," Odin smiled, solemnly.
He had a tall stature with an eyepatch and messy white hair and a long beard. He had a singular blue eye that seemed to scan me and pluck out my secrets.
"I have a quest for you two," He said.
"Just us?" I asked.
"And...about nine others."
"Of course."
"Allow me to brief you," He swiped the hologram away and began to speak,
"You're to be enrolled into a school of wizards-,"
"Can we curse people?" Alex asked.
Odin stared.
"As I was saying, you're to be enrolled into a school of wizards. You shall be undercover as students from the Academy Of Hecate. You will be with nine other students, who you may or may not know. Your mission will be detailed further once you are enrolled. As term has already started, you will set out tonight and be introduced tomorrow."
Me and Alex nodded.
"That is all, if you need anymore assistance, use the Greek's method of communication and contact me."
We nodded again.
Then, Odin disappeared into more smoke.
"Well, time for school!" Alex said happily.
I was not happy.

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