Chapter 2: Entering in the shadows

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A whole year has passed with Nathan, now was working at Anne bar with her as even though he is a child he still needs to pull his weight.

In exchange for a place to sleep and eat he is to help clean in Anne bar but that's the thing about this bar as it wasn't any ordinary bar.

Plus he would also get some tips as well which he would

Anne bar was called "Sister Margaret's School for Wayward Children" which this bar is definitely no school it is actually a bar and dispatch center for mercenaries.

With the bar being modeled as a modern European bar. At the counter, it is lavishly decorated in a Grecian/Roman design. It consists of several shelves stocked with fine wine and alcohol. In the center is a beautiful centerpiece with a circular design that also doubles as the bounty board that shows who has a bounty on their heads.

Below the shelves are drawers and an oven. The bar itself is rather dark and spacious with not much lighting and uses dark colors such as purple and red. There are tanks filled with water and fish. It features dark purple couches, a piano with a piano player on it.

Even though on the outside the bar looks like a run down dirty place on the inside it's the finest of anything where the deadliest of deadly hitman, assassins', and bodyguards gather to take on some contract's.

Even though on the outside the bar looks like a run down dirty place on the inside it's the finest of anything where the deadliest of deadly hitman, assassins', and bodyguards gather to take on some contract's

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As even though this is a fancy bar it's still a bar and there are many fights in the bar, but there are rules in the bar.

One being if your gonna, fight take it outside or pay you have to pay for all of the damage a person causes.

With Nathan now wiping down, a table as Anne had watched and saw the young child as he finished cleaning the table be interrupted by a fight.

As the fight was between two grown men that we're fighting right in front of Nathan who was simply trying to do his job.

"Jeez what the hell! Again I swear to god!" Anne yelled out as she went to stop the fight only to watch and see as Nathan had put down the empty cups he had in his hand. With the young raven haired boy walking up to the two grown man who were still fighting at this point.

"Please gentlemen, if you would can you please calm down if not, I will have no choice but to stop you" Nathan said.

This catching the attention, of the two grown men angering one of then.

"Stay out, of this you punk!" the man yelled as he pushed Nathan back and the young raven black haired boy stumbled back a bit but the stood his ground.

Anne was about to go and step in only to have, Nathan simply look at the man who pushed him and had walked back up to him catching his attention once more again.

"I'll ask you once again if you two gentlemen would please take this out-!" Nathan didn't even get to finish as the same hitman had then delivered a clean direct punch, on the raven haired boy.

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