Chapter 10: Time To Work And Truth

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Mark in the middle of the sky with his father, had then gotten into a fighting stance now getting ready to fight.

With Nolan now letting out a sigh.

"So be i-!" before Nolan could even finish, he had then been struck clean in the face by an object from out of nowhere.

With Omni-man being sent flying, which Mark was simply in shock at which then he looked to the side to see Wonder Woman, who is carrying the same masked man on her back.

"Kid I know you got a lot of questions, yet there's no time here take the phone and just listen" Nathan said, as then a tentacle had came out which held a phone and put it to Mark's ear which on the other end of the phone was Cecil.

"Kid you listening, it doesn't matter at this point do as this guy say's and you'll be safe" Cecil said through the phone.

"W-What I don't understand" Mark said.

At which then another voice had spoken up from the phone.

"Mark it's me your mother, I need you to do as what this man and Wonder Woman says and you'll be safe" Debbie said through the phone.

"M-Mom what about d-da-" Mark had then been cut off by Debbie.

"Mark just do it!" Debbie yelled, out at her said through the phone.

"I-I understand" Mark said as the phone had hung up, which he had looked over at the masked man and wonder woman.

"Ok then kid, you heard your mom, Diana I'm going to need you to take us over to the nearby forest, that hit I landed to your dad did hurt him, yet it only stunned him" Nathan said.

"G-got it" Mark said knowing where the nearby forest is so he quickly flew off towards that direction.

Which they had arrived and Mark had landed down, with Mark looking like he is hyperventilating being, just overwhelmed with the information he had been given by his father.

With Nathan then quickly taking off the wrist bracelet device, he had given by Cecil that was the oldest version of the teleportation.

"Kid we do not have time for this, here put this on it will take you to your mother and Cecil" Nathan said placing the bracelet on Mark wrist.

"Wait w-why are you doing this?! Who are you?!" Mark questioned.

Which Nathan just shot him a grin.

"I'm just a guy who Cecil has paid to take care of your father, I'm a hitman but I go by my name Venom" Nathan said as he had then felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Just...I know my dad has done a lot, but can you please not.....just don't kill my dad" Mark said to Nathan and Diana which neither didn't reply at all.

As then Mark had been teleported away to where both Cecil and Debbie were, leaving Nathan to start stretching and getting ready for his fight.

'He's a minute away, are you ready?' Shadow asked Nathan who had, given him a simply hum giving a simple yes.

"Yeah, believe it or not I'm actually pretty excited believe it or not" Nathan said which, even for an assassins, he does enjoy a good fight and challenge here or there but Omni man is the greatest challenge he is now facing.

As earlier when Nathan had arrived he had landed a clean blow on Omni-man, with that of one of his "Special Tools" he has acquired.

Nathan quickly putting this specials tool away, so that Omni-man couldn't see it.

"Nathan, you know what's coming towards us right?" Diana asked earning a nod from Nathan.

"I've already gotten a plan, so here it is" Nathan said as he explained his plan.

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