Chapter 8: College, Cyborgs, And School Life

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Currently right now, Nathan could now be seen at home as a week now passed with him taking a break from taking on any contracts trying to look more into the book that had been given by, Thokk or better called as Battle Beast who left before explaining more.

'Damn it, could have at least explained more to me before you left' Nathan thought to himself as currently right now he is sitting in that of a library, while Diana on the other hand is currently at work.

As Diana is the owner of her own museum's and is also a very famous archaeologists, which she is now living with Nathan that didn't means that she instantly stops working.

With Nathan placing his book back into his coat while letting out a sigh at the same time, being unable to truly find any information on what he is looking for.

As Nathan currently is in that of a library, at a certain college that he had stopped by looking for some more information and came up with nothing.

Nathan had picked up a pencil and then began spinning it between his fingers, at which he had then proceeded to flick the pencil towards an area.

Which then quickly footsteps could be heard running away from where, Nathan had flicked the pencil earlier with the pencil going clean into a concrete wall.

'Someone was watching' Shadow had telepathically said to Nathan .

'Yeah I know' Nathan telepathically replied as he had then sat up and then left the library which had been showed to belong to a college.

'We'll let's see if there is a cafa nearby I'm a bit hungry' Nathan thought to himself as he had began walking off.

While walking Nathan had saw a very familiar person, Mark Grayson who is with two other people around his very own age.

'Oh yeah that's right, Cecil had told me the brat would be out looking to enroll into college' Nathan thought to himself.

As he still has to keep an eye on Mark, to make sure he doesn't do anything dumb or something that would in danger others.

If that was to come and happened Nathan would be given the green light, which is to take out the son of Omni-man and it wouldn't be difficult at all.

With Nathan then making his way towards where the college cafa is he had came to a stop, seeing a missing person board which showed many students have been going missing recently.

As of last night another student had gone missing and the security came up with zero leads.

'Jeez is there no cameras here? For a prestige it really sucks with security' Nathan thought to himself.

With Nathan then eventually made his way to a coffee shop where he had bought three chocolate sprinkles and also a cup of tea.

Nathan had sat down at a table and had began enjoying his food while listening to some music.

'Oh partner let me put something on' Shadow telepathically said to Nathan.

'Go ahead' Nathan telepathically replied allowing Yami to take control for a second.

With Shadow taking control and then taking out Nathan phone and had began playing some music and putting some earbuds on.

'Not bad, but why?' Nathan telepathically asked Shadow.

'We'll got to get into the college vibe if we are gonna catch that kidnapper' Shadow telepathically said.

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