Chapter 4: Meeting A Wonder Woman

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A few months now have passed, inside of that of a nice coffee shop Nathan could now be seen sitting in the corner having his hoodie and sunglasses on.

As a waitress had came over to Nathan, with a plate of cake.

"Here you go sir, your chocolate cake" the waitress said as she had placed down the plate of cake in front of Nathan.

"Thank you" Nathan said, as he had began eating his chocolate cake.

'Hmm, Mom birthday is next week trying to think about what to get her?' Nathan asked.

'She did say she wanted a pet, but what kind of pet that someone like her would want?' Shadow questioned telepathically to Nathan.

'I'll eventually come up with something' Nathan telepathically replied back.

At which he had then gotten a message on his phone, so Nathan took out his phone looking to see that he had gotten a contract.

This contract being priced at two million pounds, the contract being to take down an up in coming leader of a mafia group that has been, taking some territory that doesn't belong to them.

With the head of this mafia group, will be holding an auction for some very nice and interesting items.

'Hmm, this contract is from the head of the Crime Organization for the Mafia. If that's the case, then they must really see this group as a threat or an annoyance either way I'll take the job' Nathan thought to himself as he had accepted the contract.

The contract sent him the location of where the auction will be held at, which unlike many illegal activity this is being held at that of a museum as it made it look more legal to the public eye.

As after a few minutes the waitress had came back to see Nathan now gone, yet she had saw that he had paid for the bill whilst leaving her that of a two hundred dollar tip.

As Nathan even though is a hitman, he still has been taught by Anne to always tip as he unlike many does follow a code. Which without a code or a set of rules in this world because without them, people become nothing but animals.

With Nathan having a code, which he follows and the only time he'd ever break is if he truly needs to do so and get the job done.

Nathan had walked over to his motorbike, which he had parked across the street of the coffee shop which as he had gotten onto his bike he looked up to see the waitress waving him goodbye and thanking him for the tip.

Which Nathan has simply just drove off heading towards the location, which is only that of three hours away this would allow him to come up with that of a plan to infiltrate the building and accomplish his mission.

As Nathan is a master strategist and he already knows that, if you go into a place always make sure to have that of an escape route to get out because if not then you have already failed.


Later on in the middle of the night, Nathan now could be seen standing on a nearby rooftop wearing what looked like a custom-made suit.

With Nathan seeing the layout of the building he already got a plan, as the janitor would often come out to take a smoke for his break which he's followed along with a bodyguard.

This would allow Nathan to quickly knock the two out, which he had done this quickly as right on time he had did his plan taking the ID card off of the guard.

Using this ID card, Nathan had easily gotten into the building as his main goal is to not only eliminate the head of this small mafia. He also needed to take down the surveillance footage, meaning that he will have to go to the camera room and delete all of it.

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