Chapter 9: Are You Ready?

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Some time now passed after the event's at college, Nathan could now be seen sitting in a restaurant eating some well done and nice takoyaki with some sweet ice tea on the side.

'Mhh...this is really good' Nathan thought to himself as he currently is sitting inside of a bar, which inside of the bar there were multiple knocked out men.

"Jeez, what did these guy's do to you?" a voiced asked with this voice belong to Cecil who had teleported over to, Nathan location which had been picked up by some camera footage.

"Oh nothing, one of these guys said something about my mother so I simply just have to give them a piece of my mind that is all, but I heard that you got rid of the demon detective I don't blame you he was getting a bit to close but at the same point, he could have gathered some more information on Nolan" Nathan said as he had bit down on some takoyaki.

"Agreed, yet Nolan now seems to be more off then usual like at his edge, also with what happened with the new Guardians Of The Globe getting their butt's handed to them also with the Mauler Twins on the lose it's all over the place. While also the body of the Immortal has gone missing that's something I also got to worry about" Cecil said.

"Well at least for Nolan, I can take care of that problem while as for those kid's I must say the have potential but are still weaker to the original Guardians Of The Globe, As for the Twin's they will eventually pop up again just a matter of time" Nathan explained to Cecil.

"Besides that Debbie also found out the truth about Nolan, I've sent Donald to go and get her but also have been keeping an eye on the kid as well" Cecil said as he had then sat next to Nathan.

"So what do you plan on doing with that college, Frankenstein kid?" Nathan asked Cecil who had been caught off guard.

"What are you talking about?" Cecil asked.

"Oh you can't foul me, I know you Cecil and I know you wouldn't let something like this out of your finger tips, we are talking about you being able to create an army of the undead and they are at the control of your finger tips. I don't care myself but just do me a favor and keep that kid, Sinclair on a leash and I would myself put a neck device to keep him in check" Nathan said.

"Not a bad idea, yet still I've got to keep on Nolan and Mark because if something was to go wrong between the two it wouldn't be good" Cecil said.

"Yeah agreed, yet like I said if you pay me extra I can also take care of the kid if he was to go rouge" Nathan said as he had taken a bite out of his takoyaki.

"I have to ask you though, what do you plan on doing with all that money?" Cecil asked Nathan.

"Mhh...I'll donate it to a charity and save the rest" Nathan said which actually surprised, Cecil who is shocked to hear the worlds greatest hitman actually donates to charity.

"I must say that I'm actually surprised, to hear that a hitman actually donates to charity" Cecil said.

"Well I donate, because I don't want another person to turn out like me so I donate to charities that involves orphanages to make sure that these kid's have the opportunities to actually do something with their lives" Nathan said explaining to Cecil.

"And here I thought, all of you hitman and assassins were all the same" Cecil said.

"You are the last person to say that to me, we both know that the people in the government are far more corrupt then the one's in the underworld the only reason they get away is because, citizens see what the government want's them to believe. Yet Cecil, you are different I've got respect for you the numerous amount of soldiers and agents that have died on your hand's and still you continue forward with the mission to protect the Earth. I respect that" Nathan said giving a beer to Cecil.

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