Chapter 7: A Battle With A Battle Beast

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Some times have now passed, with Nathan and Diana becoming very close with one another because at first the two were just awkward with one another, but have become more closer and now have gotten their own morning routine.

With the two waking up early to go for their jog around the forest for about an hour, which then second one of them would make breakfast while the other would set the table which they had quickly gotten into this habit. After eating breakfast, the two would then go into the indoor house gym which they would have a sparing match.

As over these past few day's both Nathan and Diana had started to become more closer, with the raven haired man even explaining his past to her and even who Shadow is which interested the Amazon woman.

Which Diana had explained her past as well to Nathan, the fact that she is a demi-god and one of the many children of Zeus with her also being the daughter of Hippolyta the leader and queen of Themiscarya and yet this doesn't mean she had gotten any special privileges. Since her heritage, had been hidden from her for a long time and she is still an Amazon so she trained like one but her being the daughter of the queen meant she had a lot of expectation was on her shoulders.

This meaning while other Amazon were training, she had done double the amount of the others often having to triple the amount of work then the others and due to this extra work she had gotten stronger, faster, and better but even now she still knows that she hasn't reached the full amount of her potential.

Yet Diana didn't even finish, as she had also revealed to Nathan that she is over five thousand years old and has fought in World War One, which she also meet the Immortal who had a thing for her and yet she ad rejected him on the spot.

Which Diana had retired fifty years ago, once War Woman had came into the picture allowing her to live her own version of normal life

Nathan didn't even care that Diana is older than him, as he still see's her as very beautiful to him which earned him a blush from the Demi-god.

Which that wasn't even the case, as both Nathan and Diana had been infromed that Daimin darkblood the detective demon had been sent back to hell by, Cecil who told him to stay away from the case with Nolan which didn't go so well.

Which right now Nathan has been doing what he always does, take on contracts and waits until he is given the pay check to take down omni-man who still hasn't told the truth.

Diana on the other hand didn't care about the money, all she wanted was for Omni-man to feel the same amount of pain he gave to her Amazon sister.

Yet, to truly catch onto the fact the a handful of people truly knows what he did.

Nathan had then finished, doing his push-ups and had then sat up and cracked his neck as he had then turned on the radio which still is talking about the death of the guardians of the globe which to him started to become annoying.

"Want a smoothie, Nathan" Diana asked Nathan, who walked into the kitchen and over into the fridge opening it to see that there wasn't that much left in the fridge.

"Yeah that sound's nice, also I'm going to get some groceries what do we need?" Nathan asked Diana as he closed, the fridge and went to grab his a long-sleeved black shirt as he already had some black gym joggers on.

"I'll just come with you, I already got a list ready" Diana said as she had also put on some clothes

As both Nathan and Diana had went to the garage which where both their vehicles were at, so they decided to take the Mercedes E-Class Cabriolet convertible.

With Nathan getting into the passenger side and Diana, gotten into the drivers seat and driving to his nearest grocery store which once they arrived they kept to themselves and went through looking for what he wanted.

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