Chapter 3: All eyes on me?

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A few years have passed with, Nathan becoming a great hitman who is know to never fail any assignment with many in the underworld society both respect and fear.

With Nathan being know to easily take out any person, with little to no issue but he doesn't just go in guns blazing.

As when Nathan during his training years in the Roma Ruska crime family, under his mentor who trained him he learned a lot about becoming a hitman.

With Nathan during his time in the Roma Ruska training years he had excelling, in everything that was taught to him had made those who was training with him in the same class envious of him.

So with in their jealousy those who trained beside Nathan, had planned to try and kill him in the middle of the night but it didn't work out to well.

As Nathan had taken out each one of those who tried to kill him and the next morning when the mentors had came in to check on they were in shock.

With this room that Nathan trained in having that of twenty other students and he had taken each out in the dark using his bare hands alone as even in the pitch black darkness he still was able to move like he could see.

Which Nathan thanks to the help of Shadow, had gotten his body to always be in a constant state of being awake while he is asleep.

As over the years Nathan and Shadow abilities have grown, a lot as well and learning knew things about one another and growing stronger together as well throughout the years.

Yet out of everything that Nathan, has done the one that spread the most throughout the underworld is that he had killed a group of twenty-three Yakuza members in a bar only using that of a single butter knife.

After a while Nathan, when he was nineteen had moved out of from Anne and has that of multiple safe houses that of one to two in each state and country but his main place is in that of London where he currently stays at.

Just like the other of his safe houses this one is also off the grid.


It was now currently the middle of the night as Nathan, right now currently is sitting down inside of that of a ramen restaurant coming from a job.

This job being that of a kidnapping as a daughter of a very wealthy doctor, had been nearly beaten to death and unknown to both the daughter and her ex her father has a lot of connections to the criminal underworld.

Which allowed the doctor to get in contact with Nathan, who price was that bring back the ex-boyfriend dead for that of one hundred thousand pounds and bringing him back alive for three hundred thousand pounds which he did.

Nathan kidnapping the abusive ex-boyfriend, without anybody knowing and if anything the ex-boyfriend has messed with so many people no one would be able to know where to start from on the list.

As Nathan already knew that the wealthy doctor, would most definitely pay back his daughter, abusive ex-boyfriend for everything he did to his daughter and pay it back ten times worst.

This all happing forty-five minutes ago and now, Nathan had ordered himself a large bowl of some beef udon noodles.

As a young waitress had then walked over to the table Nathan was sitting at and had then placed the bowl down in front of him.

"Well here you go sir let me know if you want anything else" the young girl said which Nathan had nodded his eat and had watched as the waitress had left.

Nathan had then grabbed his chops sticks and began eating his, beef udon noodles which then a voice had spoken up in his head.

'Do you think the Doctor will torture's that punk' a voice asked which this voice belong to Shadow who, is able to speak to Nathan telepathically.

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