Chapter 5: A New Kid And News

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Many years have passed, as currently right now Nathan could be found sitting down in that of a biker bar eating a chocolate frosted doughnut while having some sweet tea.

Nathan currently right now is going through his phone, looking through some contracts he had and couldn't come up with which one to do.

'Hey Shadow I'll let you decided I can't myself' Nathan telepathically said to shadow, who then took control.

As Shadow took control of Nathan hand and had began scrolling down the list of contracts that is on the device.

'This one seems good and it's not that far as well take a look' Shadow had telepathically told Nathan as he then saw the contract which is going for four hundred and fifty-three million yen which in pounds is two million and five hundred thousand pounds.

'The job is to find and rescue a group of woman from a country that were captured by other army with the country going through a civil war and now they are seeking help so what do you say?' Shadow telepathically asked Nathan who finished his tea.

'That sounds fine good besides it's only an hour away' Nathan telepathically replied as he had then sat up and it is shown that the bar he is in filled with knocked out bikers that had tried to rob him earlier each bike having bruises and broken bones.

Nathan had then paid for the food that he was given and the tea he had gotten as he had then walked out of the bar where his motorbike is parked.

With Nathan, going onto drive down the rode as he gotten the location of which where the woman were being held and it is simply that of a warehouse.

The warehouse being a front as in reality is a front for a prison and firearms.

With Nathan, parking his bike in that of a forest away from the warehouse.

As Nathan, could see some guards on watch which within a few seconds he had already came up with a plan to take down each guard and rescue those he came to save.

Which over to at the warehouse one of the guards were walking around the warehouse only to then hear something come from the alleyway which he had quickly went to check and see what the noise was.

The guard looking around holding his Glock 17, making sure nobody was nearby.

"Mhh...must have been a rat or something but since I'm here let me light a cig" the guard said reaching into his pocket taking out a cigarette and began looking for his lighter.

"God damn it where is my light I just had it" the guard said looking for his lighter.

"Oh here you go I got you buddy" a voice said as then in front of the guard the flames of a lighter had came up in front of him.

"Oh thank you buddy wait what the he-!?" the guard was then cut off as he had then been pulled into the shadows.

A guard in the camera room had began watching the camera's on a multi monitor screen as he had gotten up to go use the bathroom he turned his back on the monitor screens all the guards had then been pulled into the shadows.

As the camera guard had came out of the bathroom he had walked over back to the monitor screen and looked and is surprised to see all of the guards that were once on watch were all now gone.

"What the hell is going o-?!" the camera guard didn't get to finish as then he had gotten placed into a rear neck choke holds and he was held in that choke hold until he then was knocked out.

Which all of this had been caused by Nathan, who had then dragged the camera guard into the hallway where it is shown that all of the other guards were knocked out.

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