Chapter 6: Grieving and auditions

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Currently right now, Nathan could now be seen looking down at his phone going over the footage that Cecil had sent him as over the past few days some green alien race has been trying to invade Earth but have been pushed back.

This alien race being called the Flaxans and it seems on their planet or dimension time moves faster that's how they improve but during their recent invasion, Omni-man had went through the poratl taking the fight to them.

'What do you think are the chances of Omni man returning?' Shadow telepathically asked Nathan who had began thinking.

'Well with their current technology and army the chances are very slim as unlike his son Omni-man is an actual exprinced fighter so it should only be a while before he returns but I only hope that he can get rid of the Flaxans. Because it's starting become annoying the amount of attempts they have tried to invade Earth' Nathan telepathically replied to Shadow.

'What do you think, about the kid?' Shadow asked Nathan telepathicly talking about the son of Omni-man who currently right now goes by the hero name Invincible and recently Cecil has sent him the footage he has on the young boy.

'He's unexperinced and even though, he has strength it's nowhere close to his father and even if the Guardians Of The Globe were still alive most of them could easily take him out. So if I was to come across the kid, I could easily take him out without needed to use any of my other tools' Nathan telepathically replied.

At which then Nathan had heard as a news reporter on TV had began to tell the world that the Guardians Of The Globe are dead which had made the hitman let out a sigh.

"So I geuss they couldn't, hide it forever" Nathan said as he had then taken a sip of his chocclate sprinkled doghnut as it is shown that he currently is sitting in a bar of knocked out biker gang who tried to rob him only to have most of their bones broken.

At which then one of the bikers had started to get up and out a groan, as he had walked over and picked up a glass bottle and went to strike down on Nathan who still had his back turned.

Only to have Nathan easily back hand then biker clean in the nose causing the biker, to both cry out in pain and drop the glass bottle from the pain.

Which Nathan had caught the glass bottle and then threw it at the biker, who nose he broke just a second ago and the moment the glass bottle made contact it shattered and knocked the biker out.

"I guess I'm going to be going, to a funeral soon" Nathan said to himself as he decided not only to have a conversation with Cecil but to also see both Omni-man and Invincble checking each out for himself.

Just because he's seen footage of the two it doesn't amount to the same as close contact

As Nathan had then gotten out from his chair and walked outside of the bar and had then walked over to his motorcycle and had decided to drive to a nearby hotel that he could spend the night at while driving he had started thinking to himself.

Which Nathan is thinking about how it is most likely to be another Guardians Of The Globe since the world is still going to need some people to defend it.

Yet in reality, Nathan already knew what Guardains Of The Globe was made for not only to defend the world but to also keep citizens minds at peace and away from what the Goverment is truly doing. As if a new Guardains Of The Globe is not formed not only will it lessen the defense of the Earth but also cause panic around the Earth which would be bad for a bunch of people mainly the goverment.

'So after a while did you come up with any ideas of why Omni-man did what he did?' Nathan asked Shadows telepathically.

'Well I've only came up with two thing because one nobody knew where the Guardians Of The Globe headquarts was located and since they were all together no villian that they had came across would have stood a chance. So I came to two conclusions either Omni-man was being mind controled or he is hidding something that his son might probably know' Shadows telepathically said to Nathan.

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