Chapter 11: Just The Two Of Us(Lemon)

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Time has now passed, Nathan and Diana could now be seen walking down a street the both having a discussion about what information they had gotten from Nolan.

"So how do you feel, Diana?" Nathan asked Diana.

"Hmmm, I'm still somewhat angry about letting Nolan go because, I'll never forgive him no matter what" Diana said as she still will never forgive Nolan for taking the life of her Amazon sister.

"Well just promise me that you don't want revenge, because a path of revenge is something that I've seen many go down and never come out of the same" Nathan said.

Which Nathan has been in the, underworld of crime for a very long time he's seen people who've gone down the path of revenge. Some people who go down the path of revenge, never come out often willing to sacrifice many things even their own bodies.

Nathan had some people even come after him seeking revenge, finding themselves nothing but death.

"I understand trust me, I've also come across those who seek vengeance and also dealt with a few of those myself" Diana said as she has been alive for a very long time, meaning she has had met her fair share of vengeful individuals.

"Well alright, if you ever want to talk to me about it you can tell me" Nathan said.

"Thank you, Nathan but can you explain to me but why are we here?" Diana asked as currently now the two were in the most dangerous and poorest part of London.

"Well I wanted to show you were I grew up, besides you yourself wanted to see where I grew up" Nathan said.

As both Nathan and Diana have been together for that of a month now, with the Amazonian woman wanting to know more about her lover and boyfriend.


Currently now in the workout room of Nathan home, both him and Diana could now be seen in that of a boxing ring with one another both having a sparing match.

With both of the two, deciding on sparing with one another for just a few seconds to see how good is the other in close-quarter's combat.

As then the alarm had went off, with the two rushing at one another as Nathan went for a kick that Diana had avoided and went for a jab that had also been avoided and had went for a knee that had been blocked.

Nathan had went to jump back, Diana didn't let him even get any space as she had leaped at him going for a punch but quickly it had been parried away to the side by her boyfriend.

Even still while mid air, Nathan had went for a knee to Diana stomach but she managed to block his knee and this just made him grin as he had then made the two spin.

At which then the two landed onto the ground, with Nathan being on top of Diana and the two just smiling at one another at which the Amazonian woman had grabbed her boyfriend by the collar of his all black compression shirt.

Diana had pretended to go for a kiss, Nathan knew what she was doing and let her go for it as she had spun the two with the Amazonian woman now being on top of the hitman smiling.

"Why did you do that? You knew it was a trick and could have easily, kept me down" Diana said which, Nathan had let out a chuckle out.

"Because, I thought it would earn me a kiss" Nathan said which earned a smirk from Diana who had then leaned down and gotten into her boyfriends ear and had then began whispering.

"That's no way, to earn these lips" Diana said as she pulled away, giving Nathan a grin as she had then gotten up from off of Nathan and had then helped him up off of the floor as the two had gotten out of the ring showing off the rest of the indoor gym which is pretty big.

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