I hate you

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* at the airport *
**** Lauren's pov ****

" Lauren let's go." Nash yelled at me

" shutup" I yelled back

" you're so annoying."

" same to you." I replied

" shutup you little whore."

" I'm not a whore."

" yeah that's why you let fans slap your ass."

" that was five months ago, drop it." I yelled at him

" no can do whore." He said

" I hate you so much!" I screamed at him and he turned around to say something but I cut him off.

" you know how much that day affected me. And you still bring it up. Your the worst brother I could ever have. " I said walking up to him. " you are such an ass." I continued he tried to say something back but I stopped him

" no don't even say another word to me I'm done with you." I told him and pushed past him and Kaitlin to get to the plane I found my seat and sat down. Thank god it was the window seat. I just stared out the window and eventually Matt sat next to me.

" what the hell was that back there?" He asked me

" don't even blame this on me." I told him

" well as of now there's a video of you lashing out on Nash all over the Internet. " he told me

" you act as if it's my fault." I rolled my eyes.

" who else is there to blame?" He asked me. I looked at him in shock

" are you kidding me? He called me a whore." I said

" that doesn't me you tell him you hate him." He said

" whatever." I said and put in my earphones. I picked a song and put it all the way up so I couldn't hear anything. I looked out of the window soon enough to the plane stared moving. I instantly grabbed Matt's hand as we were going into the air but soon let go because I was mad at him. I hated planes. I always feel like I'm going to die. He went to grab my hand, because he knew I was scared but I pulled away. He just shook his head. I put my feet on the seat and put my head in my knees. I wanted to hold his hand so bad but I'm mad at him and he needs to apologize to me. We were soon in the air and I shut my eyes and leaned my head in the window, I was calmer now but still scared . I kept tapping my foot on the ground. Soon the plane started to shake, and I sat up Instantly. I took out my ear phones and the captain spoke

" we are experiencing some slight turbulence."

I put my head back because it stops but then it went agin and I griped the arm wrests till my knuckles turned white.

I hated this so much. Usually I would be in Matt's lap but that's not going to happen. I felt a tear slip out of my eye and I quickly wiped it away. But not quick enough because Matt Saw it, he went to grab my hand but I pulled it away.

" Lauren." He sighed

I shook my head " I'm fine"

" no your not."

" yes I am-" I began to say but the plane started to shake again. I put my legs up on the seat and I put my head in my knees again.

I hate this so much. So so so much. I whispered to myself but obviously not quiet enough because Matt heard

" Lauren just come here." He said

I lifted my head up " no I'm fine." I said and wiped my tears. I put my ear phones back in and looked out of the window. Tears still coming out of my eyes. I constantly had to wipe them away. Matt lifted up the arm rest unbuckled my thing and pulled me to his lap. He took out my ear phones,

" Lauren I'm sorry. But please don't let me watch you cry when I know I can be holding you." He said looking at me. I knew I wasn't winning this fight so I just nodded and put my head in the crook of his neck. Of course the plane started shaking again and I jumped, lifting my head up.

Matt held me tight. " shh, baby girl. It's all ok."

" I hate planes so,so much." I told him.

" I know baby. " he said and I yawned

" try and get some sleep." He said and pecked my lips. I nodded and put my head in the crook of his neck again. He slowly rubbed my back and played with my hair. But right before I fell back asleep the plane started to shake. I popped my head up fast And looked at Matt. My eyes started to water and he looked like he didn't know what to do, so he looked left and right and then put both hands on my cheeks and kissed me. For a long time may I add. We pulled away, and he smiled

" I didn't know how else to calm you down." He whispered. I pecked his lips and tried to go back to sleep.

I hate my twin( Matt Espinosa fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now