Simply annoyed

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**** Lauren's pov ****

I started to watch YouTube videos on my computer when 10 boys stumbled in...

Of it's the same annoying boys two of witch are my brothers .

They were all really loud and obnoxious! I quickly got up and got my penny board. I carried it I'm my hands, grabbed my phone, and when I was about to walk out of the door Nash grabbed my hand a turned me around.

" I don't want you going out there, it's 10:30 and pitch black. There are many bad people out there."

" whatever Nash."

He gave me the death stare. It was scary.

" fine I won't go out side. But I'm not staying in this room with you and... them" I said pointing to the loud boys.

" Lauren where else will you go penny boarding?" Nash asked annoyed

" in the hotel obviously ! " I said back more annoyed then ever. I stomped out of the room slamming the door.

He needs to stop acting like he owns me! I'm older than him! Maybe by a minute or two but I'm still older!

I put my board down and went up and down the hall ways. It was not the best but anything beats hanging with the boys... anything

After like 10 minutes of riding I noticed 20 little eyes on me. 20 little annoying eyes. I stopped and pushed pass them back into my room.

I decided I was not sharing a bed with someone I hate. I grabbed a pillow and some blankets and made me a bed on the floor. Then the boys were quite and walked back in. They all sat on the bad a stared at me. I was watching tv until Carter turned off the tv.

" I already hate all of you. What do you want now before I walk out of the room." I said meanly.

I felt two arms wrap around my waist and pull me close to someone's bare chest. Cameron.

"what you want Cameron" I said

" for you to forgive us because we are sorry" they all said. Even Nash.

" why should I forgive you." I responded

" Because we aren't the self-centered jerks you think we are and we just didn't get a chance to prove that yet." Carter said.

" mmhhhh" I said with an eye roll.

Cam got up and picked me up again bridal-style. He kissed my cheek and whispers sorry for this.

" sorry for w-"

The threw me on the bed, and tickled me. All 10 boys did actually. I was screaming and thinking what can I do to make them stop.

" I won't be mad at you if you stop" I screamed in between laughs.

"Truth or dare!" Carter screamed

That was a start to a crazy night ....

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