Party bus time

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**** laurens pov***

As I was getting ready I found out that's it's my time of the month. Great. I always get so pissed off at the littlest things. And Nash can always tell. It get bad cause he makes me mad on purpose. One time I got so mad I kicked him were the sun don't shine then would not talk to him for a week.


we just got on the party bus and I took my stuff to the back and sat down on a couch. I closed my eyes and was very comfy until I felt something sit on my lap. I opened my eyes to see me twin.

" get off." I said as I pushed him. He did not even budge.

" nope." He said popping the p.

" KAITLIN! " I screamed.

" WHAT DO YOU WANT YOU HOE!" She screamed back.

" FOR YOUR SLUT BUTT TO GET YOUR BOYFRIEND OFF OF ME!" I screamed as Nash slapped me. In the boob. It hurt so bad and that is what set me off for the first time today.

" HAMILTON NASH GRIER! GET OFF ME BEFORE I CHOP OFF YOUR BALLS AND FEED THEM TO A ZEBRA!" He quickly got up and covered his balls and smirked at me.

" your on your lady time aren't you" he said.

" uuugggghhhh. Your so annoying," I said as I got up and walked to the back of the bus to Matt, he was on his bed.

Then I soon herd Nash scream

" DONT MESS WITH LAUREN ITS HER TIME OF THE MONTH!" I shoved my face into matts chest and let out a big scream that lasted a minute. I could already tell the boys would be vining soon .

" mmaatttttt. There going to vine meeee." I said holding out Matt and me. He kissed my forehead.

" yeah they will so be prepared to get smack camed. " he said. I looked up and kissed his lips.

" I love you."

" I love you" I said back. I peck his lips again and climb over him to get off the bed.

" I'm going to get in comfy clothes babe I'll be back." I said I walked to the part where all of the stuff was I grabbed my sweats and matts sweatshirt and headed to the bathroom. I soon felt a creamy substance on my cheek and herd Nash scream " SMACK CAM." I wiped the cream off my cheek and dropped the clothes I was hold I tuned around to see Nash laughing. As soon as he saw my face the smile and laughing went away.

" Nash, you know how I get at this time. You have for while now. Why you do this makes no sense to me, and why I always forgive you makes no sense either. I'm not gonna hit you, kick you, scream at you. But you will pay. " I said calmly as I wiped the cream in my hand on his shirt. I picked up the clothes and walked into the bathroom.

I had a nice hand print on my cheek. I was just going to ignore Nash, it may not sound like a lot but he hates it. I put on the clothes and put my other ones into the hamper that was in there so our laundry can be do e at stops. I walked back out and opened the curtain to matts bed. He was not there. Just then I felt someone wrap there arms around me I giggled as he spun me.

" looking for me?" Matt said as he put me down. I nodded and kissed him slowly. I pulled away.

" let's get ice cream!" I said.

" I love it when your eyes light up like that, it's so cute. " Matt said with a little laugh. I blushed but put my hands on my face. Matt grabbed my hands and pulled them away before he leaned down and kissed my lips.

" I like it when you blush, it's cute" he said as he took my hand and walked to the front of the bus.

" can we stop and get ice cream?" Matt asked Tim, the driver. He nodded and I cheered. They both laughed and I sat on the couch. Matt sat next to me and pulled me on his lap.

" I love you babe." He said as he swayed back and forth.

" I love you too."

" don't say too, it sounds like your just agreeing."

" ok. I love you Matt. That better?"

He nodded and kissed my cheek. The he fell to one side so we were laying on the couch now. I squealed and then laughed. Nash walked by and tried to talk.

" Lauren please talk to me. I'm sorry." He said. I looked at Matt.

" did you hear anything?" I asked. He nodded.

" well I didn't, let's go watch net flux in your bed." I said as I got up.

" I don't feel like it...." He whined.

" then what do you wanna do?"

" play video games."

" Uggghh." I said and walked to the mini fridge. I grabbed a couple grapes and walked back. Matt was already into the game. I hate when he plays video games cause he never let's me play, in that case he never pays attention to me.

" Matt can I play?"

No answer

" Matt?"

No answer

" see! This is why I hate when you plays this stupid game!!" I screamed and got up to walk away.

I felt something grab my wrist and pull me back. I was soon in between matts legs.

" I'm sorry baby." He whispered he snaked his arms around me and put my hands on the xbox controller. He put his on top of mine and he helped me play. I was really bad. But it was a cute and fun moment.

" I'm bad at thiiisss...!!" I moaned.

" really!? I never knew! " Matt said as he laughed.

" I hate you." I said as I got up. I was walking back to his bed when I was soon pinned against the wall.

" no, you love me." Matt said.

I shook my head no.

" ok then you don't like when I do this?" He said as he kissed my lips and went to my jaw line.

" n-not at a-all " I stuttered. He made it so hard to focus. He smirked cause he knew I loved it.

" how about this?" The whispered nest to my ear, he started kissing down my neck and once he hit my spot he stopped.

" N-nope hate y-you " I stuttered.

" no you don't." He whispered as he leaned his forehead on mine. He slowly kissed my lips. I kissed back.

For the rest of the trip we just all hung out, I forgave Nash cause he tackled me but it was fun, so it is all ok now

I hate my twin( Matt Espinosa fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now