1920 November/1921 August

21 1 0

This is last past of Sybil's death, a short story I actually don't know what I'm thinking for this 1920/1921 but I'm gonna write till November 1921
I forgot to write in the part of the girls become hero's, they have each animals more like fairy's, Gabriella has cat fairy, Eleanor has rabbit fairy, Diana has hamster fairy, Anne has ladybug fairy and Ruby has penguin fairy.
They are same size as fairy, small fairy's
I don't call them fairy. They are called companions from the five kingdoms
Cat companion name is hunter (boy)
Rabbit companion name is Harley (girl)
Hamster companion name is hector (boy)
Ladybug companion name is hope (girl)
penguin companion name is holden (boy)
When I say charms, I mean like those charms from pretty cure smile
Google it if you don't know what it is


[Gabriella wakes up and calls for Anna a moment later]
Good morning, my lady how are you today?
Much better now, also you don't need to call me my lady at least not around the family
I couldn't do that my lady
then just call me miss Gabriella
[gabriella went to dining room for breakfast]
Hello dear folks
Are yo feeling better?
yes I'm all so sorry
It's okey, it was your own way to grieve
You got two letters, one from Princesss Eleanor and mr grey
Who was mr gray?
Have you already forgotten your friend? It's nick
oh yeah I forgot that he even existed
[they all laugh]
[after breakfast Gabriella went upstairs, wanted to see Cora  and saw o'brien]
It's her ladyship in her room?
Yes my lady I just took out her tray
[gabriella noded and went inside of the room]
oh darling hello
good morning mama, i know you haven't seen me in months so I wonder if you wanted to take a walk in the garden?
yes of course darling
[in the garden]
is something the matter? You don't like to take walks in the morning
It's about Sybil
Go on
I had a dream about her, well she were in my dream. She told me this
We were talking, this was our conversation

I told her to come back and I cried
She laughs and said I cant dear, you know Im dead... she gently wipes my tears
i told her that I wish i could travel back in time and stop papa to listen to that doc and listen to clarkson
And Sybil sighs and says sometimes destiny has its ways, but trust me darling, it was my time to go, went back in time, it was meant to be this way...

now i dont have you anymore to this things, no one I can share my secrets, you won't be here on my coming out ceremony or my wedding I told her
She holds me and tells me I know its hard, but you'll make it... Ill still be here for you... listen to me, you're going to be the perfect lady, you'll be strong for Mary and Edith, you'll continue to stay loyal and gentle to Papa and Mama, and you'll make everyone proud of you... remember that you're the baby, and you'll always be a baby in their hearts... she kisses me on the forehead
I asked her what she wanted me to say to you and papa
She smiles and says tell Mama that I loved her and was very thankful for her kindness... and tell Papa that I always loved him, and I would be proud of him whatever he would do...

[gabriella broke out and crying infont of Cora, Cora hugs her immediately as Cora started to cry to]
Mama Sybil also told me to not blame papa anymore
I don't blame him anymore, he did what he thought he could for his middle child (3rd child aka sybil)

[after the talk with Cora, Gabriella went up to her room and starts to read nick's letter]
Gabriella's pov
The latter
Hello dear lady gab- I mean Gabriella.
Sometimes it's hard to not say lady Gabriella but anyway the team needs you, you have been gone for months. We understand, a piece of you that die with Sybil. Now the team is weak without you. The evil force is getting stronger and stronger by day that goes. Some charms of happiness, miracles has been taken away from us AGAIN. The girls need you
We have missed you gabby
fuck, no this can't be happening I  says, I  says this never wouldn't happen if I was so sad and deep in the grief
Let's see what Eleanor has to say gabby tells herself

I don't know if I should say hello good morning or what ever so on,
Hurry up with the sorrow and come to us
We need you in this battle, those creatures is getting out of hand. There is nee boy in evil force, he is to handsome for start and he is handsome evil  he can take me whenever he wants. I'm joking
Gabriella's pov
What happend to hello, how are you. Had you a nice day I say to myself as hunter laughs
[back to the letter]
Gabby if you are even reading this come to the hiding place
Don't be a snobby spoiled brat and get your ass here
Your one and only true love
That was unexpected letter I  says as i looks at the letter
Does she really have to flirt even saying bye in letters I asked with a laugh
Hunter says el is very flirty girl when she close to someone, you and the other is very close
I smiles and says
Should I call them on the bracelet hunter?yes hunter replied [Gabriella taps on the bracelet and says call the gc)
(The girls and James answer)

Hey I said as I were waiting for Eleanor to scolds me

Eleanor-Hey? HEY? You say?, first of all we missed you deeply, I'm glad you are back to us
Eleanor- I understand you were grieving your sisters death but the bad guys are getting out hand, they are getting stronger
Diana- They have mostly stolen miracles and happiness charms
James- we have to get those back
Ruby- but when we were transform in our each kingdoms clothes and was power up our magic was weak James remember
Anne- it's because if one of us are not around when we are in those fights we are weak but when we aren't in fights and when our magic aren't during fights, it's strong
Gabriella- we need to be together in fights so we be stronger?
Yes nick answers from James magic phone
Gabriella- I'm sorry, I will be there for you more
Eleanor- it's okey your snobby spoiled brat
[they all laugh]

Authors note
1920s part are done now now we going to 1921 with Gabriella's 15 birthday, Matthew's death and lots of stuff will happend

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