A new arrival at downton 1906

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No ones pov

It's a warm summer day in 1906 15 August
Cora Crawley was pregnant with her fourth child

Mary's pov
The 15 year old Mary are with her sisters in the garden
"I can't believe we are gonna have an other sibling today" I smiled
"I'm not the youngest anymore I'm gonna be a big sister" the 11 year old sybil said
"We are gonna be four siblings then" the 14 year old Edith said
mrs Hughes comes to the garden we were in*
My ladies the child has come to the word *mrs huges smile as she look at us*

No one povs
The girls ran upstairs to their mothers room and they saw their baby sister has finally had come

"She is so cute I'm finally a big sister Sybil said"
"She is soo cute" Edith and Mary said same time
"My dearest girls you three will take good care of your sister?" Cora asks the girls
ÄYes we will mama" the girls answers
"What is it her name?"Sybil ask
"It's Gabriella Martha Crawley" Cora answer
"Martha is Gabriella's middle name and it's the name of your grandmama"Robert said

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