Waking up 1923

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author's note: it is in season four ep 8 last couple of min of that eps, I am guessing that ep 8 is set in 1923 may? bc rose ball is ep after😭 tell me if I'm wrong

-in Gabriella's bedroom, afternoon-
Gabriella opens her eyes up slowly, shift her eyes around the roof from left to right. She sits up on the bed
"Where am I?.... Wait why can't I hear my voice?, am I deaf? How come I can speak? I wonder if I speak right
"I don't smell good either, maybe I should take a shower"
Gabriella then stands up from the bed and starts to walk to the bathroom. She took a quick shower and washed her hair fast, brushed her teeth. Gabriella walked from the bathroom, she opened the wardrobe, took out what seems like a new dress

it was white dress, she then took out black cardigan, Gabriella puts it on. She walks to the desk and fixed her hair, she putted her hair into a bun with flowers which were on the desk.

How she looks like

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How she looks like.

i should go outside, maybe the people say who owns this house. I guess i have to read their lips since i cant hear anything, my sight is not great either"
Gabriella walks to the door, open it, walked out from the room and closed the door. Gabriella walks into the hall then down of the stairs

at downton park
Gabriella was near the bazaar, she walked up to a couple"
"excuse me miss and mr, could i ask you something"
The couple smiled and the lady answered
"yes dear, what is it?
"do you know who owns that big pretty estate over there?
The couple looked at each other then the man answered
"lady and lord grantham owns it"
"where can i find them?
The lady answered
"they are over there in that tent" she pointed at it
"thank you"
Gabriella then walks to the to the tent closer then she heard robert say
robert looking after Mary and the two men, bewildered
"What sort of ménage has that turned into while I've been away?"
None of the remaining ladies is going to answer that, but they all watch Mary and her suitors out, very curious to find out the answer
As Gabriella were close to the tent from the behind, Violet turns her head, when she does, she sees Gabriella. Violet touched cora, who were sitting close to violet
"is that Gabriella?" Violet says as everyone looks at Gabriella in shock
"Hello, which one of you is lord and lady grantham?" Gabriella asks her family without recognizing them
Cora then walks to gabriella and says
"don't you recognizing us?"
"no miss, should i know you?

The Crawleys stared at Gabriella in stunned silence. She stood before them, her posture uncertain, her eyes scanning their faces with no sign of recognition. Cora felt a chill run through her as she approached Gabriella, her voice soft but trembling. "Gabriella, it's me— your Mother, cora. Don't you remember me? Or any of us?"
Gabriella shook her head, a look of polite confusion crossing her face. "I'm sorry, miss. I don't know you. I just woke up, and I'm trying to find out who owns this house." Her words were clear, but the lack of recognition sent a wave of concern through the group.
Violet, always one to hold her composure, stepped forward, her eyes narrowing as if trying to discern a joke. "Gabriella, this isn't the time for games. Surely you know who we are?"
Gabriella's expression softened, sensing the distress her response had caused. "Who is Gabriella? Is that my name? And I wish I did. But I don't remember anything. I can hardly hear, and my sight is fuzzy. I woke up in a room upstairs, and everything feels... out of place."
Lord Grantham's expression grew more serious as he exchanged worried glances with the others. "You don't remember anything at all?" he asked, his voice low but gentle.
Gabriella shook her head again, her frustration evident. "No, sir. Not a thing. I thought I'd find someone who could help me. Maybe you could tell me what this place is, and why I'm here?"
Cora felt her heart ache for the girl. The journey to the hospital, the vigil by her bedside—it seemed like a lifetime ago. Now, standing before them, Gabriella looked like a stranger. "This is Downton Abbey," she explained, her voice soothing. "You live here with us. We're your family, Gabriella. How could you not remember any of us?"
Gabriella's eyes widened, her confusion deepening. "My family? But I don't remember... anything. Are you sure?"
"yes dear we are sure" Lord grantham says
"could you tell your name at last?
"i am robert your father, the earl of grantham, this is cora your mother, the countess of grantham" he points at cora, "this is tom, your brother in law" his finger shifted from cora to tom "that is edith, your second oldest sister" again robert's finger shifted to tom "thats your granny, violet, the dowager countess of grantham" shifted his finger from tom to violet "thats rose, my cousin and your cousin to we can say that to" he pointed at rose and then pointed at isobel that is isobel, your cousin. "You have older sister to, Mary and she is the oldest if you three but she just went"

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