letters from Eton Squre high

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Downton Abbey, drawing room, day

The next day, the family gathered in the morning room at Downton Abbey. The atmosphere was relaxed but filled with the soft hum of anticipation. The ball had been a success, and the presence of the Prince of Wales and the royal twins had left a lasting impression on everyone.

Cora was seated near the fireplace, a cup of tea in her hand, discussing the previous night's events with Edith. Mary was engrossed in a book with little George while Tom played with little Sybbie near the window. Robert was going over some estate papers, his brow furrowed in concentration. Gabriella entered the room, her expression a mix of determination and nerves.

"Papa, Mama, may I speak with you for a moment?" Gabriella asked, her voice steady but soft.

Robert looked up from his papers, his eyes softening at the sight of his youngest daughter. "Of course, my dear. What's on your mind?"

Cora set her tea down, her attention now fully on Gabriella. "Is everything alright, darling?"

Gabriella nodded, taking a deep breath. "I've been thinking a lot about my future, especially after the conversation I had with Eleanor last night. She mentioned Eton Square High School in London. They have various programs, including a Health and Care program, which really interests me."

Cora and Robert exchanged a look, a mixture of surprise and curiosity on their faces. "Eton Square High School?" Cora repeated. "I've heard of it. It's a prestigious school with excellent programs."

"Yes, Mama. Eleanor and Elliot are planning to enroll there. Eleanor will be in the Health and Care program, and Elliot in the Business program. I want to join them and study to become a nurse, inspired by Sybil."

Robert leaned back in his chair, considering her words carefully. "It's a significant decision, Gabriella. Are you sure this is what you want?"

Gabriella nodded again, her eyes bright with determination. "I am, Papa. I've always wanted to help people, just like Sybil did. This is my chance to follow that dream."

Cora smiled warmly, her heart swelling with pride. "I think it's a wonderful idea, Gabriella. We'll support you in any way we can."

Robert's serious expression softened into a smile. "If this is truly what you want, then we will make it happen. Your education and happiness are of utmost importance to us."

Gabriella beamed, relief washing over her. "Thank you, Mama, Papa. This means so much to me."

Edith, who had been listening quietly, chimed in. "You'll do great, Gabriella. And it'll be wonderful for you to be in London, surrounded by new opportunities."

Mary looked up from her book, nodding in agreement. "Yes, it's an excellent move. You'll have Eleanor and Elliot there with you, which is comforting."

Tom, who had been playing with Sybbie, added, "And you'll be following in Sybil's footsteps, making a real difference in the world. She would be so proud of you."

Gabriella's eyes filled with gratitude as she looked around at her family. "Thank you, everyone. I'm really excited about this new chapter."

Gabriella's smile brightened "well i am going to my room, write the letter to school about i want to enroll there" Gabriella walked to tom and Sybbie and pat her head
"bye sybbie" Gabriella did same to George and Gabriella bid good bye to the rest of the family and went upstairs to her bedroom

Gabriella's bedroom were filled with artworks she had made, there were some swords, violin, guitars

Gabriella sat down on her chair near the desk, she took out a paper and pen from her desk and put it on the desk, Gabriella looks at her bracelet and tap and hunter comes out

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14 ⏰

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