The accident November 21 1921

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Author's note: sorry for I'm haven't updated this story, I have been busy with school, I will try to update more
Tw: knifes, blood?, death
Max words: 4095

November 21, two months after Matthew's death
In the midst of their journey, Lady Gabriella's mind was filled with thoughts of the upcoming challenges. The group had faced many hardships together, relying on their combined strength. Each of them possessed 33 charms from their respective kingdoms, but there were still several important charms they lacked. These charms were called the Princess Charms: Hope, Happiness, Miracle, Love, and Knowledge.Lady Gabriella's heart yearned for the Princess Charm of Hope, which granted her the power to transform into a princess and unleash a rainbow burst. She knew that obtaining these charms would be crucial in their quest to protect their kingdoms and fulfill their destinies. With determination in her eyes, she vowed to find a way to acquire the missing charms and unlock their true potential.

As the girls gathered in the drawing room, their minds were set on acquiring the Princess Charms. Gabriella's perspective captured the urgency of the situation. Eleanor emphasized the need to obtain the charms to enter royal mode and defeat their enemies from the bad end kingdom. Hector added that they had to act quickly before the villain grew stronger. Hunter, Harley, Hope, and Holden nodded in agreement, their determination evident.

Suddenly, Cora entered the room, catching them off guard. Hector and the other companions quickly sought cover behind Gabriella's back, hoping to avoid being discovered. Gabriella greeted Cora with a warm smile, asking how she was. Cora responded, "Good."

The girls exchanged glances, knowing they had to keep their mission a secret from Cora. They understood the importance of maintaining their cover and the need to protect their kingdoms. With a sense of caution, they continued their conversation, careful not to reveal their true intentions.

Gabriella's heart skipped a beat as she heard Cora's words. She couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of going for a walk with her friends. With a smile on her face, she asked, "Mama, I wonder if me and the girls could go for a walk?"Cora's smile widened as she granted permission. "Of course you can, but be home before it's too dark," she replied. The girls chimed in unison, expressing their understanding and gratitude. Gabriella couldn't wait to embark on this adventure with her friends, knowing that their bond would only grow stronger during their time together.

As the girls ventured outside the village, they stumbled upon Nick, who greeted them with a warm smile. Gabriella's perspective captured the moment. "Hello, girls," Nick said cheerfully. In response, the girls greeted him in unison, their voices harmonizing. Nick then asked if they were still on their break. Gabriella playfully reminded him, "Yes, Nicky Mouse, it's been three weeks long. Did you forget? See, this is what I mean by that. Nicky has a memory of a goldfish." They all burst into laughter, enjoying the lighthearted banter and the camaraderie they shared.

Nick chuckled at Gabriella's remark about his supposed "goldfish memory." "Well, I guess some things slip my mind," he replied with a playful grin.As they continued walking and ventured further outside the village, Gabriella brought up a curious observation. "Isn't it strange that we haven't encountered anyone from the Bad End Kingdom, especially since I went to Scotland with my family?" she pondered aloud, addressing the girls and Nick. The group exchanged thoughtful glances, realizing the absence of any encounters with the characters from the Bad End Kingdom. It was an intriguing observation that left them wondering about the reasons behind this peculiar occurrence.
Eleanor- it's quite unusual for them to not come up yet
Ruby- I quite agree, I find that weird to, they always shows up. They never hids
Diana- I wonder what plans they are up to
Anne-  girls, the force of darkness approach. We must stand together and protect our world and our kingdoms.
Nick- I agree, at the age of 15 you five have so much responsibility that normal 15 year old kids don't have so much responsibilities as you five do.
As the group nodded in agreement, a sudden turn of events unfolded. A group of menacing villains emerged from the shadows, led by a sinister figure. Gabriella's eyes widened as she recognized the figure as Ero. "Is that who I think it is?" she exclaimed. Nick confirmed her suspicion, confirming that it was indeed Ero. Sensing the danger, Anne quickly instructed Nick to move to a safer location. Nick obediently followed her command and moved to a different spot, ensuring his safety. The tension in the air grew as the confrontation with Ero and his minions loomed closer.

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