Ashen Arival

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The clanking of metal stirred the ship forward. The footsteps of Fire Nation soldiers echoed metallically through the halls, yet as the men drew close to one particular door, they slowed their steps in hopes of not disturbing the occupant wracked with a fever that seemed as feverish as the ship's boiler. A whistle blew, steam released, and a soldier knocked lightly on the door.

"General Iroh?" the person asked, speaking softly. "We've reached our destination."

The door opened, revealing a rather formidable man, his beard and topknot gray with age, yet this made him no less of a threat. He turned his head, looking in at the thirteen-year-old boy lying on the bed with the red curtains, breathing in an unsteady, feverish rhythm.

"I can stay by Prince Zuko's side," the soldier said. "While you speak with Lieutenant Jee. He says to let you know the men are already transitioning into civilian garb, so we look like Fire Nation civilians rather than soldiers for all appearance."

"Thank you," Iroh said, standing up. He moved from the room, glancing back at the child he didn't want to leave behind and the bandage covering his eye, before heading up onto the deck where Jee waited for him, the man's features only just beginning to show the age that Iroh's now did. He took a deep breath, scanning the sight of ice as far as the eye could see.

Jee turned, frowning, concern in his voice. "Are you sure about this?"

"Prince Zuko needs a healer," Iroh said, speaking softly. "And I don't know who among our people would be willing to help a banished prince." He let out a sigh, letting his breath escape as a mist.

"Yet you're willing to take a chance that someone from the Southern Water Tribe will help someone from the Fire Nation instead?"

"For Prince Zuko's sake, yes." Iroh breathed in the icy air, savoring it as his eyes closed. "And to think, if Fire Lord Azulon went with a different plan entirely, the Southern Water Tribe wouldn't even be an option."

"You mean the treaty that makes us even more disliked because of the sanctions?"

"Yes. That," Iroh said, opening his eyes and catching sight of the capital, which was size-wise comparable to a Fire Nation village. He took a deep breath. "I want to harbor away from their capital village to avoid unwanted attention and alarm." He watched Jee send a questioning look his way. "I'm not asking you to hide our presence entirely."

"How so?"

"I'll send a message to their intermediary in tribal affairs involving the treaty, but I believe his name is Dun of the Southern Water Tribe. At least, I hope he's still the intermediary."

"Do we have time for that?" Jee asked, his forehead wrinkling from concern. He then sighed. "We don't have much choice, do we?"

"No. I don't think so," Iroh said. "Or at least I can't rack my brain for a better solution, but I want you to bring him to my Pai Sho table."

"Pai Sho?" Jee appeared shocked as Iroh held out the white lotus tile from the game for him to take.

"Trust me. Playing Pai Sho is a great way of getting to know someone and gaining their trust. Give this to him as well."

"Yes, sir," Jee said. "And you don't have to leave Prince Zuko's side," noting the other reason.

Iroh turned, taking another deep breath of the icy air of the southern pole, before heading back to Zuko 's room, excusing the soldier who waited by the young prince's side before sitting in front of the table, waiting. Eventually, a knock came. "Dun of the Southern Water Tribe is here, General Iroh."

Iroh stood, pulling the curtains closed, glancing one last time at Zuko before he did so. He sat back down and said, "Let him in.

He watched a man dressed in blue clothes made from the pelts of animals that lived around the southern pole glance around the room. "Why have you not harbored in our capital? But more to the point, what is with this sudden and unexpected visit?"

Iroh motioned to the table as the door closed behind Dun. "Perhaps we can discuss this over a game of Pai Sho?"

Dun approached, placing the white lotus title onto the table in the center, and sat across from Iroh. Soon, a pattern emerged as they rapidly placed pieces. Iroh breathed a sigh of relief as the man said. "I see." He then looked Iroh in the eye. "What brings a fellow Order of the White Lotus member here?"

"Something that may affect the future of everyone," Iroh said, standing up and heading over to the bed, motioning the man over, and pulling back the curtain.

At first, Dun leaned forward but reflexively pulled back, his light brown facial features twisting in disgust. "Who would do such a thing to a child? But more importantly, who is he, and why bring him here?"

"This is the banished prince, Prince Zuko," Iroh said. "And the person who did this was Fire Lord Ozai."

Dun lowered his arm. "You want to get him into the village unnoticed if possible while also coming up with some form of explanation to the head chieftain regarding why you choose not to harbor at the capital and here instead."

"Yes," Iroh said. "I've not said this to any of my men despite knowing I've their utmost loyalty, but I intend to get my nephew as far away from my brother's clutches as possible."

"You, as eldest, should have been Fire Lord," Dun said, shaking his head. "I'm guessing you also came here for our healers, one with as few connections back to your nation's capital?"

"Yes," Iroh said.

"I brought a few men I can trust," Dun said. "But we've ways in and out of the capital without being noticed, and I'll see what I can do about finding a healer. The first thing, though, is that we must get him into the capital rather than bring the healer here. We need time to hide your Fire Nation uniforms somewhere safe, so you'll be treated as Fire Nation civilians wanting to open trade negotiations. You have brought something to trade?"

"Of course," Iroh said. "I am no fool, although I'm not against playing that role if necessary. And tea, I find to be a commodity that works best when fire and water are combined correctly, although I've other options."

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