Ministry Building

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"It these were different circumstances."

Iroh felt an eyebrow rise upon hearing the sentiment from Lieutenant Jee regarding the second of the capital village they—Iroh, a few trusted men, and Zuko—relocated to.

Dun brought them to the central-most building in that section, a building that combined the traditional architectures of both the Southern Water Tribe and Fire Nation by using a mixture of materials as well as styles., a place more pronounced than any other in the section, an attempt to symbolize unification through the treaty.

"A treaty thought to be rather one-sided by some, I say," Iroh thought. "We don't, for example, accommodate members of the Water Tribe the way they do, providing a room for the purpose of allowing us to rest decorated almost entirely in Fire Nation style; the Waterbenders are also expected to assimilate to our culture."

The one exception to the room lay on the bed, the luxurious pelts, something the Southern Water Tribe took great pride in; Zuko now lay amongst the pelts, eyes still closed, having been transported via cart passed off as merely transporting valuable merchandise, the teas Iroh brought in hopes of setting up potential trade negotiations that would help them later one.

Every so often, he reached out, brushing aside a lock of black hair, hoping Dun would return soon as Dun's assistant—his adoptive son, checked in on them, the boy's ember eyes standing out against the warm toned skin characteristic of someone in the tribe.

"Sure signs Birmeq is of mixed nationality like some of the children I saw roaming the streets. If they weren't of mixed heritage, they are the less fortunate in this village, though I will admit they seem better off than the slums in the Fire Nation."

"I hope Dun returns soon," Jee said, sitting on the floor in front of a small table with the other three men who accompanied them. "Prince Zuko's been through enough."

As if on cue, the pelts hanging across the door pushed aside, a woman of the Water Tribe nationality stepped in, a true beauty who held herself with such grace, yet her sudden appearance resulted in Jee and Iroh's other men tensing up, their hands going to their weapons as Dun pushed forward, holding up his hands. "Wait!

Iroh watched the woman's eyes focus on Zuko. "The boy," she said as Iroh's men remained tense, unsure even with Dun's words. "He looks to be around the age of my son." Her words made his men relax as Jee muttered an apology for haphazardly blurting out Zuko's identity as the woman stepped closer to the other side of the bed, her hand motioning at the bandage. "May I look?"

"Are you a healer?" Iroh asked.

She oversaw him, then said, "Only in the traditional non-bending methods. I'm not a waterbender."

Iroh's heart sank.

"But I can help you locate one that will suit your needs, one that I personally trust."

"And what does your trust mean?" one of the men snapped, resulting in Iroh looking over as Jee motioned with his hand and shook his head, indicating the act was out of line.

"This is Lady Kya," Dun said. "The wife of the head chieftain."

"Have you..." another started to say, only for Iroh to hold up his hand.

"No. We didn't come here to be dishonest," Iroh said, bowing his head to Kya. "But Lady Kya, we also don't want to alarm those who don't need to know, nor do I wish to bring your people unwanted attention from the Fire Nation, so it is as best that as few people as possible know we're here." He nodded his head at Zuko. "You can look."

Gracefully, Kya knelt beside the boy's makeshift bed, gently pulling back the covering over the boy's eyes only to flinch, looking away and closing her eyes. She took a deep breath.

"Apologizes. I didn't realize..." Dun said. "Had I known the extent..."

"Don't apologize," she said, opening her eyes and swallowing, her eyes glued on Zuko. "Who," she said firmly, "would do this to a child?"

"His father," Iroh said, then followed up with. "My brother." He watched her eyes widen, her mouth open, but then he bowed, his men doing the same. "I am General Iroh of the Fire Nation, older brother to Fire Lord Ozai."

He heard her breath draw in. "Rise." He saw her shake, still looking at Zuko. "The Fire Lord—he'd do this to his own son?"

Iroh looked at the ground. "Do you understand the political implications, Lady Kya, for everyone?"

"I do." There was a brief silence, then she said, "But why would..."

"For doing the right thing," Iroh said, being honest. "Prince Zuko's always been a kind-hearted child but was punished for standing up for his own people, people the Fire Lord would throw away, so his father, in turn, has thrown him away."

"Throwing a child away," Kya said. "Horrible." She shook her head. "I can ask for more details later, but..." She paused, thinking, the anger in her eyes all too obvious. "Send for Hana."

"Hama?" Dun stiffened, but then—

"Hama hates the Fire Nation," Birmeg said. "Anything Fire Nation."

"Hama is family to my family," Kya said. "But where does her burning anger come from?" she continued, taking a deep breath, turning to look Iroh in the eye. "I promise she knows how to play politics and is loyal to my family."

"Is this our only choice?" one of the soldiers asked.

"Hama is the one you want," Kya said. "Otherwise, if you want a waterbender healer with no connections, you'll end up with an unskilled one, and if you want one who is skilled—well, those are the most sought after by the Fire Nation.' Her mouth twisted into a smile. "Plus. She likes to be a stubborn thorn in the side when she can." She turned to look at the young prince. "More importantly, I know where her burning anger comes from. She'll help you. She'll help you to spite the Fire Nation."

Iroh wasn't sure but nodded his head to Dun. Dun, in turn, shook his head. "Fetch her, Birmeq." Dun motioned for him to leave. "And hurry! Prince Zuko's been long without healing."

The young man left, frowning as he did. Iroh breathed a sigh of relief, even though he remained unsure. "Thank you. I've already lost my son. I don't know what I'd do if I lost my nephew as well."

"Hana—what Birmeq thinks of hate," Kya said. "It's something else, but she should be here soon. I will start by gathering water and other supplies, which I should be able to find here, in the ministry building?"

"Yes," Dun nodded. "I'll help you, but also prepare something for our guests to eat. After all, they've had a long journey from the Fire Nation, but..." He looked at Prince Zuko. "A broth for when he wakes, I think."

"Yes," Lady Kya said, making Iroh feel more at ease.

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