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The ice floor of the council room utilized by the council of elders crashed below them, yet as they fell, Katara realized she'd not thought things through, such as how they'd land without harming themselves. They fell only a story, as the person who built the home of the head chieftain so the elders might quickly look out on the village and see the comings and goings.

"I've got you," Katara said, having attempted to cushion their fall with her bending, only for her to stagger. Her legs completely supported Zuko's weight as he gave out.

"Sorry," Zuko said, sweating despite all the ice around them. "I think I did something to my leg there."

"And you're probably thinking my method of rescue foolish?"

"To be honest, any escape attempt right now falls into that category to me, but don't ask me to think of something better as my head is killing me."

"Got it. I've got to..."

Another person landed with a thud just where they'd landed, and Katara turned, her eyes widening. "Wait right there!"


"Why are you..." He started saying it was only for someone to land beside him.

Katara frowned. "And now, Sokka."

"Hey. Katara?" Sokka said. "I know you've got your hands a bit full right now, but could you freeze this guy to the ground already?"

"Wait? You're helping?"

Sokka walked over, taking some of Zuko's weight off Katara, allowing her to freeze Rarlak, although—

"I think your fat ass knocked him out, Sokka?"

"Hey?" Zuko asked. "Is there a reason why your head chieftain called this person here by their first name?"

"Oh!" Sokka reached out, pinching Zuko's cheek. "Your commoner crush..."

"I'm not..." Zuko muttered.

"...is so adorable, Katara."

"Uh, apologies Zu, I mean, Lee. This is my brother."

"He? What?" Zuko's eyes blinked.

"We should probably get him somewhere where you can heal him, sis. Before the old man..."

"And you didn't answer my question, Sokka!" Katara rolled her eyes. "You're helping me?"

"Why do you think I was asking you if, well, trying to ask you if you liked this guy?" Sokka said. "And you?"


"If you break her heart, then I'll kill you. Got it?"


"I guess this guy wouldn't know what it means to be an older brother, Katara," Sokka laughed, helping her move Zuko through the halls, yet thinking about the plan...

"I'm not sure this is going to work."

"Uh, about that," Zuko said.

"About what?"

"I don't think I'll ever have to worry about anybody breaking my sister's heart."

"Fine. So maybe Katara would kick your butt before I had a chance," Sokka said. "You've got a sister."

"Actually," Zuko's eyes closed. "I was thinking more along the lines that my biggest worry is my sister killing anybody who looked at her funny, so..."

"Katara, your boyfriend..."

"We're not dating," Katara said simultaneously as Zuko.

"You gave him the necklace."

"I didn't know."

"Just like you didn't know your boyfriend's family is really messed up?"

"Actually, I knew that," Katara said. "But your uncle's not?"

"No. Uncle isn't."

"Please stop right there."

Katara frowned. "Elder Thod?"

Zuko stiffened, nearly toppling them over.

"Why couldn't you just have settled for a marriage with Gilak's son Rarlak, Katara, solidifying Rarlak as the next in line for head chieftain instead of your brother."

"Wait?" Katara frowned. "What are you talking about?"

"Your brother's strength doesn't compare to some of the other youth his age, such as Rarlak, and we need a strong leader, but Rarlak..."

"A strong leader isn't just about his physical strength."

"Excuse me?" Thod took a deep breath. "I didn't ask you, outsider.

"They're also measured by their wisdom to rule," Zuko said, not lifting his head. "And they certainly aren't some puppet having their strings pulled by someone behind the throne."

"I don't like the way you speak," Thod said.

"So you don't like the way he speaks to you," Sokka said. "He seems quite wise..."

"No. I meant what I said," Thod said. "The way you've spoken whenever you've opened your mouth, boy. It's not normal. Just who are you?"

"None of your business."

"Hold on. Katara?"

"Well, it doesn't matter because I can't have anyone interfering with my plans, so your fiance, Katara, will have to die here so you can pick another one."

And then, Thod moved quicker than Katara expected for someone his age and she felt Zuko go slack in her arms.

"Katara!" Sokka called out. "Lee! Something's wrong with Lee! We need to..."

"Sorry, boy, but I've blocked your chi."

And then she felt it, Thod's quick jabs cutting off her chi points, preventing her from bending, moving, and then he moved back, moving out...

A hand reached out, grabbing onto the man's leg, and then Thod screamed as his leg lit on fire. Katara watched Sokka's eyes go wide. "Wait? Lee's a frebender? He..." And then Sokka's dark skin paled a few shades. "Katara. Lee's bleeding out. It's bad. It's..."

"You, brat," Thod said. "Will pay for..."

Thod instead yelped as ice shot into his other leg.

"Who? Who's interfering with..." Thod sucked in his breath. "Hama? What are you doing here?"

"I've come for the child I saved three years ago, myself and Lady Kiya, but you're the one who killed her that night, weren't you, Thod?"

"What if I am? She refused to have any arranged marriages for her daughter, insisting Katara choose. And she goes and chooses a commoner, fire..." The man stopped. "Except the boy's not a commoner, is he Hama? I see Dun's boy is with you, which means all of you went behind Hadoka's back..."

"We didn't go behind Hadoka's back," Hama said, stepping forward. "You simply made it impossible for us to tell him of the boy and his uncle's presence, but you honestly didn't understand what kind of utmost importance what we were doing that day, that night held to us. All of us. And now..."

"Lee," Katara said, trying to move. "Hey, can you..." She sucked in her breath. "Zu...

"He's not going to die," Hama said, walking over. "I've saved him once and saved him again."

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