Whalebone Carvings

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Despite Katara wanting him to give Yuminio the beads carved from whalebone before they saw each other next, he didn't, and he found himself apologizing for not doing so yet.

"Things still haven't died down, but the moment I get a chance..."

The two practiced bending with each other a couple more times before that happened.

"Or, more of we're messing around, having fun with our bending, something I'm sure Uncle Iroh and Aunt Hama would throw a fit over," Zuko thought to himself as he slipped from the tea shop, watching the two bicker amicably with each other before turning to discuss the going ons of their customers as if they'd not been fighting moments before.

"Mushi and Hama know you're going out?"

"Yes, Birmeg," Zuko sighed. "Stop hovering. I can take care of myself."

"Apologies," Birmeg said. "Then I shall not ask that you do take care of yourself as that is a given."

Zuko sighed, heading out to the blacksmiths, the smell of smoke lingering. The warmth of the furnace fires—Zuko forgot the hot water bottle Hama handed off to him, his eyes twinkling as he watched the men smithing weapons, quite a few spears among them for the Water Tribe men.

"Not that they use them in hunting," Chejo told him. "The bone spears, after all, work just fine, so many are ornamental in nature. Even the blades are, but it's a way to keep us firebenders in one place, as the Water Tribe is wary of us."

Which "May explain why Uncle doesn't want anyone to know I can bend fire, as the Water Tribe would want me here, under Chejo, and word is far, far more likely to get back to father where I am, though I'd love to learn some of the craft."

"Oh! Lee!"

"I've heard Yuminio's calmed down," Zuko said, smiling at the head of the blacksmith. "Or should I stay away longer?"

"That depends."

"The person from before..."

"I'm not interested."

Zuko's stomach faltered, churning as nausea started building. "Actually, they sent a gift to Yuminio as..."

"Lee, you know Yuminio. It can't possibly end well. That child, she's been chewed up and spat out by the people who should have cared for her, then those who look like her, the moment they find out she is a firebender..." The man sighed. "It's best not to go there, for them to only come for business because the ones who come for business prefer to pretend she's not here."

Zuko clutched the beads in his hand tighter. "Do you trust me?"


Zuko took a deep breath. "I know I've done nothing the past three years to earn anybody's trust around here, but..."

"Lee, stop talking like that." The man looked tired. "You're sixteen, only sixteen. Someone your age shouldn't ever have to earn an adult's trust, though in this day and age, you are forced to."

"Can I show you?" Zuko took a deep breath. "Well, even if I show you, even if you agree, I can't promise Yuminio won't, you know, become upset." He rubbed the back of his neck. "But this person's intentions are in the right place, and I want her to know not everyone is like that family of hers."

His eyes blinked, a thought crossing his mind, and he looked up at Chejo, who chuckled. "You've come to some philosophical conclusion like that Uncle Mushi of yours, haven't you?"

"Girls don't like that!" Zuko blurted out, his face turning red.

"Oh? There's a girl..." Then Chejo sucked in his breath. "Wait. The stranger from the other day? Don't tell me."

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