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"My head hurts," Zuko thought, finding himself—

The place wasn't familiar.

"Start by taking in your surroundings as Uncle taught you," Zuko continued thinking. "My head hurts, though. And—"

Zuko wiggled his fingers, turning his head slightly as he took in the ice floor and fur pelts. A quick tug revealed pulling his wrists an impossible feat as whoever arrested him—

"Oh. Yeah. Katara's necklace." Zuko took a deep breath, closing his eyes, his hands bound behind him as he slowly sat up, feeling a wave of nausea as he did so. He opened his eyes, frowning. "I am in serious trouble, but the last thing I want to do is cause trouble for her."

He glanced around, eyes blinking as spots swam in his vision. The room—made of ice. The shape—circular. Directly in front of him—

Zuko turned his head, taking a deep breath, then tensed up.

A man sat in front of him, a Southern Water Tribe warrior, his hair pulled up in the warrior's wolf tail he'd seen many wear at varying lengths, often indicating the age of the warrior to some degree. The man remained emotionless, unreadable.

"You should ask him where he got Katara's necklace from," said a man of similar age who stood at his side. "Don't jump to conclusions."

"It's rather obvious the boy stole it," another said, his hair as white as the furs that trimmed his blue robes while his head balded from age; even his teeth were sparse while his white eyebrows reminded Zuko of furry worms.

"Is it, Thod?" the man sitting before Zuko said. "As Bato said, it wouldn't hurt to ask the boy questions, but I'm bothered about his need to go even this far."

"He's Fire Nation," Thod said.

"With which we have a treaty," Bato replied.

Zuko's eyes widened, looking down at the ice, taking in the pelts they'd placed under him as they came to.

"That—I don't like that look," another man said. "We all know that those from the Fire Nation come here to be merchants, hide, or both."

"I'm not sure you're unbiased in this," Bato said. "I mean, your son is the one who hauled the boy out of the merchant's area and turned him over to our warriors, but from what I've heard—well, as you see. The boy just came, too."

"What is your name?" the man sitting on the pelts at the front of the room asked.

Zuko opened his mouth, only for his mouth to freeze. "Don't do anything that will get Katara in trouble. Don't..."

The man sighed, getting up and walking over to Zuko, pulling out a knife, resulting in Zuko's eyes clamping shut. "Stay still." The man placed a hand on his shoulder, his head lowering. "From that scar on your face, you've faced enough abuse from your own people."

And then, the restraints at Zuko's wrists came undone, which—

Zuko let out a hiss, realizing once his wrists were free, he'd twisted one of them. He sucked in his breath, pressing his eyes together, biting his tongue, muttering, "Sorry."

"Sorry? For?"

Zuko didn't respond; instead, he held his wrist and felt other aches in his body.

"Goodness," the man said, standing up and stepping back to where he'd sat, observing Zuko. "You look to be around my Sokka's age, but even groan warriors—it's best if one lets their comrades know if something hurts, no?"

"That's not been my experience," Zuko said, then bit down on his lip again.

"That," Thod started saying. "Was a very odd response, wasn't it?"

"How so?" the man in front of everyone said.

"You said comrades, and he responded that it hasn't been his experience, but rather something he would know, meaning he's comrades here, I suspect."

Zuko's eyes clamped shut. "Shit. I probably shouldn't mention anyone, including Dun."

"Do you have anything to say to the head chieftain?" Thod continued.

"You..." Zuko swallowed, turning his head. "You're the head chieftain?"

"You didn't know?"

"I've not seen you before, so no."

"Well, I've not seen a boy with a scar on his face either," the man said. "That is a scar I'd think I'd remember from when you first came here to Wolf Cove, but then..."

"If you came here through Wolf Cove the normal way, you'd know who the head chieftain is," Thod said.

Zuko closed his eyes. "I slipped up, but I slipped up big time.

And his head hurt.

"Escape isn't an option, as there is nowhere to go for someone who doesn't know how to go to the south pole outside of the village, particularly if one is a firebender," Zuko thought. "But, they've not figured that out as of yet."

"How did you come by the necklace?" the man asked.

Zuko took a deep breath, wondering what he should say. "Nothing to get Katara into trouble. But I can't lie, and if I agree that I'm a thief, then it's definitely over for me, so silence is the best answer. And my head hurts."

"Who is your uncle?"

Zuko's eyes widened, his breath sucking in, remembering he'd told Yuminio to fetch his uncle, never getting the chance to ask for Dun. "But I think I'd still be in this situation."

"We should find his uncle and..."

"Is Yuminio alright?" Zuko asked.

"Who?" the man up front asked.

"They're aware I asked her to fetch my uncle. Please tell me she's not been harmed."

"What little girl?" the head chieftain's eyes went wide.

"She'd slipped away before we could catch her."

The head chieftain sighed. "So wait. There was a little girl there that he'd asked to fetch someone, and none of you thought that maybe..."

Something exploded, casting frosty ice in Zuko's direction. His hands reached up to cover his face while the head chieftain sat there, eyes wide. Bato let out a sigh. "Hello, Katara."

The corner of Zuko's mouth twitched. "Wait. They're used to this? From Katara?" A panic set in. "She's like Azula, then?"

"Someone's managed, Hakoda, to bring Kiya's fury out of her," Bato continued. "So perhaps..."

"The boy!" Zuko glanced over at Thod, who pointed right at him. "He's a firebender!"

Zuko's eyes blinked, realizing. "Crap. I melted the frost that hit me with my bending without realizing it."

Someone slid across the room towards him, nearly crashing into him. He felt the person gently wrap an arm around his neck. "Hold on. I'm getting you out of here."

Zuko let out a deep breath. "Okay. Not like Azula, as Azula would never try rescuing someone, but this is still..." He swallowed. "Katara, I don't think..."

"I said hold on!"

And then, the icy floor collapsed underneath them, not giving Zuko time to even think of her plan for escape as a foolish one.

Scars and Ashes (Avatar: The Last Airbender Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now