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Not a request!

So pretty much this about Chris waking up not feeling well and not letting his brothers know then when they film a car video Chris gets really sick.

TW: Throwing up, Crying, Fluff(like a lot😝😝😝😝😝😝😝) Pet names (mostly from Nick)

Chris woke up feeling horrible his head was pounding and his Stomach felt like he got stabbed he groaned into his pillow then grabbed his blanket and wrapped it around himself as he walked out of his room to the kitchen where his brothers were eating breakfast.

" Hey Morning sweetie!" Nick said getting up from his chair and pointing to the microwave " Your Food is in there!" Nick smiled at his brother rubbing his shoulder before sitting back down Matt looked at Chris giving him a small smile "Kid it's like 12PM you never sleep in this late".

"Oh.. Yeah uhm I was just extra tired" Chris said walking over to the microwave "Oh well don't forget we have a video to film today" Matt said before looking back on his phone Fuck  Chris thought he forgot they had to it's not that he didn't wanna film a video for his fans he loved them he just felt shitty as hell and wanted to sleep all day.

Chris sighed pulling his food out of the microwave and sat between his brothers they were both on their phones Chris had left his in his room so he just played with his food "Sweetheart you okay you love pancakes your not eating them?" Nick asked looking up and putting his hand on Chris's back.

Chris looked up from his food and noticed Matt was looking at him now clearly concerned "No I'm okay just not hungry much.." he said giving Nick a weak smile Nick just nodded " Well I can put it away from you for later that okay?" He asked smiling and getting up.

Chris just nodded and looked at Matt " You sure your alright?" Chris nodded Smiling again Matt smiled getting up and kissing Chris on the top of his head as he took his dish to the dishwasher Chris got up and walked back to his room and lied on his bed sighing as he put his hands on his stomach and soon drifted off to sleep.

Chris awoke to someone lightly shaking him and stroking his hair Chris groaned softly his stomach felt even worse he looked up and saw Nick sitting next to him on his bed "Hey Baby we have to go film okay you can sleep after." He said rubbing Chris's forearm Chris nodded Nick moved the hair off his forehead kissing him there " Your warm by the way" Nick said getting up and walking out.

Chris sighed and rubbed his stomach he just decided to change into warm sweatpants feeling freezing now and ignoring what Nick said about him being warm, He put on a fresh love hoodie and grabbed his phone walking out of his room shutting the door behind him.

He opened the front door and locked it with his keys and walked to the car slowly getting in and shutting the door Nick was on his phone in the backseat While Matt smiled looking at him he started up the car and started to drive to Mcdonald's Chris felt sicker everytime Matt went a bit faster Matt got to the drive thru and got his food and turned to Nick " What do you want?" Nick looked up from his phone " Usual" Matt nodded looking over to Chris " You?" Chris sighed " My Usual as well." Matt nodded telling the worker what everyone wanted and drove to the window to pay and then drove to the window to get the food.

When they were in a random parking lot they were eating as they started the camera and said Hi Chris mostly staying quiet the whole time His head was in his hands then Matt said his name he felt a hand on his arm and looked up "Yeah?" "You okay?" Nick asked looking at him now Chris wanted to say no and he felt horrible all day and wanted to go home and sleep in his brothers arms he just smiled " yep!" he said trying to sound happy Nick and Matt just looked at each other " You know you can tell us anything right" Matt said touching Chris on his cheek and rubbing up and down.

Chris nodded grabbing Matt's hand from his face "I'm okay don't worry you guys." Matt took his hand away nodding They continued with the questions.

2 minutes passed and Chris felt vomit rising up his throat he threw open his door and didn't even bother closing it he ran to the grass and started throwing up what he just ate and soon it just being bile.

Chris felt his hair being pushed out of his face and took to the side and a hand rubbing circles on his back "it's okay honey just let it all out" Chris heard Nick say he listened and continued throwing up he really hoped both of his brothers were there with him and not just Nick.

he stopped and stood up as soon as he did he felt a arm around him he looked noticing it was Matt he looked beside him seeing Nick letting let go of his hair and running his fingers through it "Sweets you okay?" Nick asked looking at him Chris shook his head tearing up "Aw Bubs..." Matt said pulling him closer as Chris put his head in his shoulder they helped him back to the car "Don't worry Chrissy we stopped filming once you ran out so we'll head home alright?" Nick said stroking his hair Chris sniffled trying to say okay.

Nick took Chris in the back with him while Matt started up the car "let me know if i need to pull over okay?" Matt said from the front Chris didn't answer he was in Nick's arms with his head in Nick's chest crying softly "Aw Buddy." Nick said rubbing his back.

They had only been driving from 5 minutes before Chris looked up Nick looked at him " Babe you okay?" Chris shook his head no as he got out of Nick's arms and covered his mouth with his hand gagging.

"Matt Pull over." Nick said Matt quickly pulled over and Chris ran out running to the grass once again starting to throw up stomach acid.

Nick got out of the car and went to Chris and moved his hair back Matt came out with a napkin and started rubbing Chris's back again Chris gagged trying to throw up more but nothing else came up "it's okay Hon just stop trying you might feel worse if you keep trying." Matt said taking the napkin and wiping Chris's mouth.

Chris got up and Nick wrapped his arms around him taking him back to the car Chris fell asleep in Nick's arms and woke up in his bed with a trashcan next to his bed and he was changed into a t-shirt since his brothers knew he was warm Chris was okay with it he also noticed Matt and Nick laying next to him he sighed looking at the time noticing it was 10AM he also saw his phone had been plugged in he smiled.

Chris moved Nick's arms off him he was feeling better mostly he had a small headache but he went to the kitchen and made French toast the only thing he knew how to make.

he finished and put the rest of them in the fridge and grabbed himself 4 he went on his phone and watched Tiktok till his brothers walked out He smiled at them " Babes you feeling okay now?" Nick asked Chris nodded "Microwave." he said looking back at his food eating more They pulled out their food and sat next to Chris and ate they all laughed and watched movies the rest of the day only leaving to go film the rest of that video from last night

Chris was very lucky for his brothers.

He really Loved them. 

And They loved him too


So that was my first oneshot i thought it was really fluffly which i lovedddddd

anyway love y'all!!!

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