Chris-Ignored When Sick

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Heyy y'all!

Not a request!

So this will be about:

Matt and Nick and looking at comments and found one where it said " You should ignore Chris for 24 hours!" they decide to do it but little do they know Chris isn't feeling well.

TW: Throwing up, Crying, fluff(like usual a lot of it;>) pet names( tbh it's always gonna just be Nick but I might accidently add Matt saying some imma say that's okay if i do lol)


Matt was on his phone looking at Comments on a tiktok " oh my god Nick!" he said looking up at the kitchen where Nick was making breakfast "yeah hon?" Nick answered "I found this comment that said You should Ignore Chris for 24 hours to see what he does We should try!!" Matt sounded excited Nick shrugged " I mean what if the kid gets upset?" Nick said turning back around to continue making breakfast.

"pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" Matt whined Nick chuckled "You know what fine. but it's your fault if he gets upset." Matt got up " yay!" Nick laughed at his brother before putting pancakes on a plate.

Chris woke up as he slapped his hand over his stomach " fuck ow." He said softly groaning he sat up and his stomach hurt even more. I'll be fine I just need my brothers they'll comfort me right? of course they always do he thought.

He got up and walked over to his closet and changed into sweatpants and a hoodie and grabbed his phone and walked out of his room walking to the kitchen.

"Hey guys!" no answer. "uhmmmmmm guys?" No answer. Chris sighed walking to the table where they were sitting and wrapped his arms around Nick's neck "please answer" Nothing.

Chris teared up he was feeling worse by the minute he went to Matt " please Matty." he said grabbing his hand and squeezed it but Matt didn't hold back he just let Chris squeeze it and not react.

Chris just scoffed and let go " Fine ignore me." he said turning around and slamming his door flopping onto his bed sobbing He just wanted his brothers but they were ignoring him for no reason.

The harder he cried the more pain he got in his stomach.

Matt was laughing his ass off " Kid fucking teared up" Nick nodded laughing a bit.


It was 6PM and Matt and Nick had door dashed Wendy's and of course got Chris something and just put on the counter till he came out and put a note in front of it saying " For Chrissy" They were watching TV and eating when Chris came out with red puffy eyes "you guys done ignoring me?" he asked no reply. He sighed walking to the kitchen seeing a note with the name his brothers always called him and weakly smiled.

he opened the bag and grabbed his burger and took his fries and drink over to the couch and watched TV with his brothers resting on Matt's shoulder when he was chewing his food.

Chris started to feel really sick and took a sip of his drink but that made it worse he got up sprinting to the bathroom.

Nick and Matt looked at each other and stood up and as soon as they heard Chris gag loudly they wasted no time they ran to the bathroom and opened the door seeing Chris with his head buried in the toilet throwing up while on his knees and his hands around the toilet.

Nick went over and moved his hair away "my god sweetie" he said running his fingers through the hair he had in his hands.

Matt sighed sadly and grabbed toilet paper wetting it under warm water and used his other hand to rub circles on Chris's back. "so now your talking to me? took you-" Chris was cut off by a harsh gag that included more bile splashing into the toilet.

Nick heard Chris sob after saying that he rubbed his shoulder "we're sorry baby it was a dumb prank." Matt nodded " yeah we're sorry Chrissy." "y'all made me cr-" he threw up again "Shhhh Babe tell us after throw up now." Nick said.

After 5 minutes Chris moved his head up and groaned Matt took the toilet paper and wiped his mouth then threw the toilet paper in the toilet then flushed it. " Sweetie you done for now?" Nick asked letting go of his hair a bit just in case he wasn't done.

Chris nodded " can we cuddle now?.." he said tears rolling down his face "of course Honey" Matt said helping him up while Nick turned the light off and followed them to the couch. Matt sat down and lied Chris's head on his lap and Nick moved Chris's feet and lied them on a pillow and sat close to Matt so he could hold Chris's hand.

Matt took a blanket and lied it over Chris and continued to eat his food because he was still hungry "Okay sweetheart. pick a movie." Nick said looking down at Chris " uhmmm The Bee movie." he said smiling "of course." Nick said turning the movie on and rubbing Chris's leg up and down while he continued to eat.

Chris soon fell asleep and the two other boys were getting tired so they moved him and picked him up taking him to his room and lied him on his bed.

Nick plugged in Chris's phone and Took his and Matt's and went to plug them in in their rooms. He came back to Matt holding Chris already asleep Nick smiled and went and wrapped his arms around Matt and soon drifted off to sleep.


Chris woke up and saw on his alarm clock it was 2AM he groaned and gagged harshly and pushed Matt's arms off him and ran to his bathroom falling down in front of his toilet throwing up stomach acid. Matt woke up feeling his arms being pushed he saw Chris bolting into the bathroom and sighed shaking Nick " Nicky.. Chris is sick again wake up." good thing Nick is kind of a light sleeper cause he woke up "huh?" he heard Chris throwing up and sat up quickly and ran to the bathroom with Matt right behind him.

He moved his hair again and held it away from his face and Matt left the room Chris threw up two more times before Matt came back with a washcloth and water and Matt started rubbing his back.

Chris stopped and fell back onto Nick and Nick put his hand on Chris's stomach rubbing it for him " it's okay Sweetheart." Chris sobbed harshly as Matt wiped his mouth with the washcloth then lied another cold one on his stomach and Chris groaned pushing it off.

"No Chrissy. You need to get your fever down. your really warm" Matt said putting the washcloth back on his stomach.

Nick helped him up holding the washcloth on his stomach taking him back to his bed and lied him down grabbing the trashcan from his bathroom and putting it next to his bed and sighing flopping down next to him and Matt went behind Nick playing with his hair.

Nick noticed Chris was already asleep so he went on his back wrapping his arms around his brothers and letting Matt play with his hair.

They both fell asleep and the next morning Chris felt so much better and they filmed a car video and watched movies that whole day and promised to never prank Chris or each other like that again.


Tbh I kind of love this one.

anyway love y'all!!!💕💕💕

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