Matt- Spiked Drink

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Hope y'all are doing good!


The triplets go to a party and Matt's drink gets spiked!

TW: Throwing up, Crying, Swearing, Fluff, Fighting, Blood, petnames.


As Matt drove to the party Nick and Chris begged him to go to he had to listen to Chris and Nick arguing about random ass things.

Matt almost turned the car around and went home only because he didn't wanna go. Well... Also so he didn't have to deal with Chris and Nick's fucking bullshit.

When they got there Matt sighed as Chris got out of the car and opened the back door for Nick.

"Uh-" Nick started but Chris pushed him back in the car making Nick hit the back of his head on the chair.

"Chris you motherfucker! I hit my fucking head!" Nick said getting up and pushing Chris away from him.

Matt sighed getting out of the car and going in between the two "No I'm not doing this. Both of you stop. Or we're going back home." Matt said giving them both a serious look.

Nick rolled his eyes and scoffed pushing Matt's arm off his shoulder and started walking closer to the front door.

Matt took his hand away from Chris and locked the car before following Chris and Nick to the door.

Matt walked in and saw Nick and Chris walk off somewhere together he sighed and went to the kitchen to get a drink.

Matt walked into the kitchen and saw root beer cans on the counter.

Matt grabbed one and opened it taking a sip looking around, watching his brothers dance around, watching people he didn't even know laugh and have what seemed like the best night of their life.

Matt turned his head to see some guys pointing and laughing at him.

Matt sighed and looked down his anxiety kicking in, Matt put his drink down and went to the bathroom to take a little break from everyone.

Matt pulled his phone out when he reached the bathroom he scrolled for a couple minutes.

After 8 minutes he turned his phone off and left the bathroom walking back over to his drink noticing the guys that he saw earlier were gone.

Matt took a sip of his drink and made a face after.

Matt thought it tasted a bit weird but he just thought it was because he went to the bathroom for a little bit and continued to drink it

-Time skip-

Matt smiled as he stumbled over to Nick and Chris when he got over to them he wrapped his arms around Chris and grabbed Nick's arm forcing him to join the hug.

"Uhm.. Matt.." Chris said gently taking Matt's arms off him.

"You good kid?" Nick asked as Matt smiled and nodded "I feel.... Wonderful..." Matt laughed a little after and stumbled closer to Nick grabbing his hands " Come on Nick let's dance a little!" Matt said getting hyper and moving Nick's arms while he stumbled around.

Nick gave Chris a confused look and looked back at Matt "Matt... Are you motherfucking drunk?" Nick asked letting go of Matt's hands.

Matt shrugged " I don't even know what drunk means" he chuckled.

Nick rolled his eyes while Chris sighed an shook his head "Matt... That's one of our main fucking rules 'No getting drunk or accepting a drink from someone'"

Matt nodded " I know, I know but I don't even know how it happened.."

Nick scoffed and grabbed one of Matt's arms "Yeah right
Let's go we're fucking leaving." Nick said pretty much dragging Matt out of the house.

Chris helped Matt walk in a straight line but when they reached the car Matt froze and took his arms away from Nick and Chris.

Nick looked at Matt confused as Matt mumbled something then bolted to some bushes and threw up all the "Root beer" he had drank.

Nick and Chris walked over as Nick moved the hair out of his face and Chris rubbed his back gently.

Matt started coughing harshly as Nick looked to his right and saw some guys laughing at Matt.

Nick sighed " I'm gonna go do something quickly." Nick said walking off.

Chris was about to say something but Nick walked away to fast.

Nick walked over to the guys and one of them said "Awhhh is your little brother feeling a little sick?" Nick rolled his eyes and started punching the guy in the face repeatedly.

The other two guys started trying to pull Nick off the other guy.

Nick stopped punching the one guy and pushed him on the ground and noticed blood on his knuckles.


Matt finally stopped throwing up and Chris helped him up and taking him to the car.

Chris grabbed the keys out of Matt's pocket and unlocked the car and lied him down in the back.

Once Matt was comfortable Chris turned around to go find Nick.

After Chris walking back to the house he saw Nick punching a guy and his jaw dropped grabbing Nick's arm "Nick stop it! let's go we need to go home!!" 

Nick turned and sighed pushing the guy one last time and walking back to the car with Chris.

Chris looked down and noticed Nick's bloody knuckles "That's not your blood right?" Chris asked as Nick looked down "No it's that motherfuckers blood." Nick said as Chris opened the backseat car door for Nick to climb into.

Chris got in the drivers seat as Nick lied Matt's head on his lap.

-Time skip-

Once the three boys got home Matt was fast asleep and Nick picked him up taking him inside to his room.

Nick lied Matt on his bed and walked to Matt's bathroom washing his hands to get the blood off.

When Nick walked back to Matt's room to see Chris with his arms wrapped around Matt both of them asleep.

Nick smiled and turned off Matt's light and went behind Chris soon falling asleep.

In the morning Matt had a huge headache but Nick and Chris never left his side.

They'd never leave each others side.


So That was it!

I hope you guys enjoyed!!!

Love y'all!!

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