Chris- Migraine

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Not a request!

I just thought of this really out of no where!

Pretty much Chris just has a Migraine!

TW: Throwing up, Crying, Fluff, Petnames, Swearing.


Chris was sitting in the front seat holding his head.

They were filming a car video and Chris had the worst Migraine to the point he thought he was gonna throw up everything inside of him.

Every now and then Matt and Nick would ask if he was okay he would always give them a thumbs up or a quiet "Yeah"

He only had to wait 15 minutes till he could go home and try to sleep this off He didn't even know if he could do that.

Chris leaned back taking his hands away and quickly bringing them back and wincing Why the fuck is that light so bright? Chris thought right as a hand touched his shoulder and another hand touched his leg.

Chris groaned "Babe we turned the camera off what's going on?" Nick said rubbing his shoulder.

Chris wanted to cry right then and there but he stayed strong. "Nothings wrong." He said sniffling He heard Nick and Matt sigh "We know there's something bothering you." Matt said softly.

Chris couldn't take it anymore he pushed their hands off getting out of the car and going to the back with Nick.

As soon as he reached the back seat he broke down in Nick's arms Nick gasped quietly the louder and harder Chris's sobs got.

"Bub hey tell us what's wrong." Matt said rubbing Chris's back while Nick stroked his hair.

"I Have a fucking Migraine and I hate it!" Chris yelled as his grip on Nick's arm tighten.

" Aw Honey you could have told us." Nick said as Chris shook his head. " I didn't wanna ruin the video." Right after he said that he heard Matt and Nick whispering.

"okay Sweetheart. If you have a Migraine you might feel sick do you?" Nick said looking down at Chris and lifting him off his Chest lightly.

Chris nodded and Nick sighed "Okay Matt is gonna go to the drug store and get you medicine." Chris nodded lying his head back on Nick's chest while Matt started driving to the drug store.

Matt got out of the car once he got to the drug store and Chris and Nick also got out walking over to the grass.

"It's okay bub" Nick said rubbing Chris's back as Chris leaned over the grass on his knees.

Chris was trying not to cry. He had his eyes shut tightly and kept gulping trying to keep the vomit that was rising up his throat down.

"Honey don't force it back. If you need to puke do it." Nick said gently grabbing Chris's hair and holding it back.

Chris started to gag as Nick was whispering comforting words in his ear.

"Babe one sec let me go call Matt to bring some crackers and a towel and water alright?" Nick said standing up as Chris nodded and Nick turned around.

Chris shook his head and tried to say "No wait I don't wanna do this alone." But he gagged again right as Nick got in the car.

Chris gagged again before puking his guts out in the grass.

"Yeah Matt Just those things-" Nick froze right as he heard Chris throw up and cough loudly.

"Yeah Matt please hurry." Nick said hanging up and running to Chris.

"Holy fuck Chrissy!" Nick said before Chris threw up more.

Nick moved his hair back right as Matt ran out of the drug store. "Buddy oh my god" Matt said dropping the bags down next to them and handing Nick another piece of Chris's hair.

Matt rubbed his back and grabbed the rag and water from the bag.

Chris stopped and spat before falling onto Matt.

Matt handed Nick the water as he wiped Chris's mouth with the towel right as Nick opened the water bottle.

Nick helped Chris sit up right as he gave Chris the water.

Chris put it in his mouth and spit it out " you feeling better honey?" Nick said as Chris shook his head.

Matt opened the medicine bottle " take this." Chris took it and groaned " ugh my head" he whined.

"I know sweetheart come on let's go home we'll film the rest tomorrow." Nick said helping Chris up.

Chris leaned on Nick in the backseat the whole way home and when they got home Chris went straight to bed with his brothers right by his side.

Yes Chris threw up more through out the night but his brothers were right there so he had nothing to worry about.

His brothers were always there.


So that's it! Most of these aren't requests lol

But some people have requested and I promise I'll get to yours soon!

Love y'all!

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