Chris- Spiked Drink

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Not a request!

So it's pretty straight forward the boys go to a party and Chris' drink gets spiked.

TW: Throwing up, Crying, Swearing, Fluff, Petnames, Shy Chris, Some Chris angst bc I want some sad shit in this.


Chris never really wanted to go to this party he had a headache but it wasn't horrible enough for him to lay in bed all day.

They were on their way to the party and Chris was in the back with Nick with his head on Nick's shoulder while Nick was stroking his hair.

Chris had told Matt and Nick he had a headache earlier but promised he would be alright.

"We're here" Matt said parking the car in front of a big house. Chris sat up and Nick rubbed his shoulder opening the car door and letting Chris out first then stepping out himself.

Chris waited for Matt and Nick to get out before grabbing their hands.

"Don't leave me tonight." Chris said squeezing their hands tighter.

" We won't bub." Matt said rubbing Chris' finger with his thumb.

Chris nodded as he went closer to Nick and let go out Matt's hand letting him lock the car.

The three walked in once they were ready.

Nick saw Larray and said "Guys I'll be back later! Love you stay safe!" Larray pulled Nick away and they ran off to some other people.

Chris went closer to Matt but Matt let go of his hand "Chrissy I'm gonna go talk to some of our friends just stay close okay? and if you need me text me I love you." Chris nodded slowly as Matt walked off.

Chris stood there for a second staring at others then finally he started walking towards a counter and sat down on one of the chairs and saw Nick laughing with Larray while Matt was a bit ahead of Nick talking with one of their friends.

Chris felt....... kind of... alone and he wasn't in the mood to really talk to anyone so he just sat there.

A few minutes had passed of Chris sitting by himself till some random guy came and sat next to Chris and smiled "Oh Hey Your one of the Sturniolo Triplets right?!" Chris nodded at the guy "Yeah uhm Chris.. Chris Sturniolo." Chris put his hand out for the guy to shake and the guy did " Names Austin." Chris nodded taking his hand away.

Austin took a sip of his beer as Chris stared at it, Austin took it away from his mouth and said "Want a sip?" Chris shook his head quickly and smiled " No sorry I'm good" Austin nodded "Your kind of acting like a pussy you know?" Chris nodded "I guess..." Chris looked at the ground.

Austin chuckled "Hey I didn't mean it in a bad way It's good I mean your only 20 right?" Chris looked up again "Yeah." Austin nodded "Yeah it's good your not drinking! But I could get you something to drink like... well what are you into?" Chris shrugged "I mean I really like Pepsi.." Austin nodded "Sounds good Man I'll be back with some for you!"

Austin went to the fridge and grabbed a Pepsi and smiled opening it and grabbing a shot glass and poured some Vodka in it and then grabbed the can pouring some of the Pepsi into the sink and then pouring the Pepsi into a glass cup and then pouring the Vodka in and mixing it with a spoon.

Austin chuckled before walking back to Chris " Here you go man." Austin said handing Chris the cup before sitting down again.

Chris nodded "Thanks.." Chris said as he took a sip he noticed it tasted a bit weird but he just shrugged it off and continued to drink it.

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