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Not a request!

I was thinking abt Madi and the triplets and thought of writing one like this

So pretty much

Madi was hanging out with the triplets and got her period in front of them.

I might make a part 2 of her just being on it

TW: Blood, Pet names (from Nicky✨✨✨), Fluff


Madi was sitting with the triplets on their couch they just got done filming a video with Madi and were gonna get Dinner after Madi's stomach was hurting a bit but she just acted okay and brushed it off.

She took a little bit of a nap on the couch while the others talked about random things.

After an hour Madi woke up and felt like she had peed herself she saw the triplets around her watching TV she shot up running to the bathroom near the living room and heard Nick yell "Mads!?" Madi shut the door and locked it quickly noticing blood going down her leg.

She teared up she was embarrassed and in pain She pulled down her pants and saw blood everywhere she sobbed quietly as she heard a gentle knock on the door "Madi?" Nick said "You okay in there sweetheart?" Madi sighed "No.." she said sobbing again.

She heard Chris and Matt walking over and Nick asked "Why What's wrong?" Madi sighed pulling her pants back up and unlocked the door " Just come in.." The door opened and the three walked in shocked seeing Madi with tears rolling down her face " What happened Mad dog?" Chris asked.

Madi sighed again " I....Bled through...." Madi looked at the boys they looked shocked and confused and worried at the same time.

"I'm Sorry if it got anywhere I really am!" She said sobbing again and putting her head in her hands.

She felt arms going around her and she sobbed. After a couple seconds the boys pulled away " Okay. We were going to Dinner soon anyway. We'll stop at the store and you can get some things and I'll get you a pair of black sweatpants for now and your staying the night anyway. It'll be okay Mads." Nick said.

Madi nodded they left the bathroom and Nick went to his room and got black sweatpants that didn't fit him anymore and grabbed underwear that was in her bag and left walking back to the bathroom.

" K. Mads I grabbed these for you. "Nick said giving her the things Madi smiled " thanks." Nick nodded " Course the other two are in the car so I'll wait for you at the door." Nick said and Madi nodded as Nick left the bathroom.

Madi changed her underwear and pants but put a bunch of toilet paper on her underwear hoping that will protect it for a bit.

She left the bathroom and walked to the door and Nick looked up from his phone "ready Honey?" She nodded walking out and Nick locked the door behind him and they walked over to the car getting in.

Madi was in the back with Nick when she grabbed her stomach and sighed "Babe you okay?" Nick asked and Madi nodded just laying on Nick's lap and falling asleep again.

Madi woke up to someone shaking her she woke up fluttering her eyes Chris smiled at her " Mad Dog we're here ready to go in?" Madi nodded and noticed Nick and Matt were outside of the car and Chris took her and helping her sit up a bit she thanked him before grabbing her bag and walking out of the car with Chris.

Matt locked the car and they started walking into the store Madi went to the Period aisle with Nick while Matt and Chris got snacks.

Madi grabbed Pads and tampons " That everything Mads?" Nick asked Madi nodded as they walked to the check out and Chris and Matt were already over there.

After they paid They all got in the car driving to Mac Donald's and ordering at the drive thru.


Everyone was watching a movie on the couch and Madi was changed into PJS and had a heating pad on her stomach and eating some candy Matt and Chris got earlier.

After The movie Madi and Nick went to Nick's room and Matt and Chris went to their rooms.

Madi got on one side and Nick got on the side he normally slept on And they turned on the TV and watched Netflix and soon they fell asleep.

The next day Madi woke up feeling not better but not bad But The triplets still took care of her and she stayed another Night.

They were her Best friends.


So That was it!

Hope you enjoyed! 

Btw I'm working on another Madi chap rn!

Love y'all!

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