Madi- Period Part 2

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This was requested by greyfontsss  Where Madi is on her period in front of the boys and gets really bad cramps!

TW: Throwing up, Fluff, Petnames ,Crying.



Madi's alarm went blaring off Ugh Why is it so loud?  Madi thought  she sighed sitting up she put her hand on her stomach Oh my god why are they so bad? Madi heard her phone go off and grabbed it unplugging it and saw a text from Nick.

She clicked on it and read it " Hey Mads wanna come over today and stay the night?" Madi sighed and texted him back "Yeah Of Course! What time?" She sighed and put her phone down and heard a beep right after and grabbed her phone again.

" 1:30? Is That good?" Madi read Nick's text and sighed "Yep!" She replied "Good We'll come and pick you up!" Nick replied "Sounds good See you then!" Madi replied then turned her phone off and got up with her hand still on her stomach.

Madi walked over to her dresser and grabbed black sweatpants a black tank top and a  oversized grey zip up hoodie to put over it. She walked to the bathroom and turned the shower on taking her clothes off and getting in.

After She finished her stomach calmed down a bit but not much She changed into her clothes she picked out and grabbed a heating pad and walked to her kitchen heating it up in the microwave.

Madi walked back to her room holding the heating pad on her stomach and grabbed black socks and put them on her feet them brushed her hair and then walked to her makeup vanity and grabbed her makeup headband and did some of her skincare then started doing her makeup.

Once she finished doing her makeup she went and brushed her teeth and started packing her bag for the night.

Madi grabbed some clothes for the next day and grabbed some PJS and put them in her bag and grabbed her makeup and skincare bag and put them in there. She grabbed her hairbrush and toothbrush and grabbed some pads and put them in the bag.

Once she finished she put her bag near her bedroom door. She walked over to her closet and grabbed some White Nike air forces and put them near her bag and went back to her bed and lied down going on tiktok.

-Time Skip-


Madi got a text from Nick "We're here!" Madi sat up putting the heating pad on her nightstand. She rubbed her stomach before She replied "Okay Coming!" She sent the text walking over to her bag.

Madi slipped her shoes on and grabbed her bag and walked over to her nightstand grabbing her phone charger and putting it in a small pocket in her bag. Madi walked over to her door walking out of her room closing her door behind her.

Madi reached the front door and walked out locking it behind her. Madi walked over to the Triplet's van and got in the backseat with Nick "Hey Mads!" Nick said wrapping his arms around her Madi hugged back "Hi!" Madi pulled away and leaned her head on Nick's shoulder wrapping her arms around her stomach.

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