Chris- Sick pt 2

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Heyy! So I thought of this while watching one of the triplets videos "What you doing if you invented munchkins" where at the start of it Nick saids "what would we do if you just threw up on yourself" yeah well imma make Chris actually do that....

So yeah and I didn't really know what to name it so yeah.

But anyway!

TW: Throwing up, Sick stuff, Swearing, Fluff, Petnames, Crying.


The triplets were having a nice day so far they went on a short walk together, watched a show, and made lunch for themselves but when they went to go film their video for the week... That's when it got bad for them....

Chris had got a bubly from the fridge and brought it with him in the car.

Once they had started the video Chris opened his bubly he started to chug it.

But Nick took it any from him not wanting him to burp a lot, they made a couple jokes before Chris actually started to burp.

After his 5th burp he burped again and right as he did he coughed and threw up on himself and his legs and immediately tears started to run down his cheeks as he felt embarrassed and suddenly so sick to his stomach.

"Oh fuck." Matt said as he looked up and down at Chris.

Nick quickly reached for the camera and shut it off putting it on the chair beside him as well taking off his sunglasses which he had on for a joke but clearly nothing was a joke right now.

Nick quickly got out of the car and opened Chris' door to a sobbing and covered in puke Chris.

Nick looked at Matt "Okay Matt uhm go get a bath running for him and go get some different clothes." Nick said already helping Chris out, Matt nodded quickly running out of the car and Into the house.

Chris started sobbing into Nick's chest as Nick helped him get fully out and closed the door trying to shush Chris and calm him down.

Nick not caring about getting dirty he immediately helped Chris into the bathroom by picking him up.

When they got there Matt could already tell Chris would throw up again and quickly opened the toilet seat just in time for Chris to empty his stomach contents.

Nick rubbed Chris' back gently and slow as Matt moved Chris' hair up away from his face.

Chris stopped and fell backwards into Nick still sobbing but Nick just helped him get his shirt, pants, socks, and hat off keeping his underwear on.

Nick helped Chris into the bath and rubbed his shoulder as Chris let the warm water calm him.

Matt flushed the toilet and put the seat back down sitting on it and got the clothes he grabbed for Chris ready for Chris to put on.

Chris groaned softly "I want out it's getting cold...." Nick nodded "Okay babes let's go" Nick said helping Chris get out as Matt handed Chris the towel and helped him dry off.

Nick drained the water and got Chris his sweatpants ready for him.

Once Chris was dried off Matt moved off the toilet seat and Chris sat down so he can get his pants on with Nick's help of course.

Then Nick helped Chris get his fluffy Pepsi socks on, then Nick helped Chris get his shirt on and helped him put a hoodie on.

Nick left the bathroom to go find medicine for Chris and get the car cleaned up while Matt put Chris' dirty clothes in the washer.

Chris sighed as he shot up and opened the toilet seat quickly starting to throw up.

Matt heard Chris throw up almost immediately and ran to him and yelled for Nick who was in the garage.

Nick somehow heard Matt and ran up yelling "Coming!!!" Nick came in and frowned "Oh sweetheart..." Nick said walking over to Chris and holding his hair back also putting his hand on his forehead to support his head.

Matt rubbed Chris' back and sighed sadly grabbing toilet paper and waiting for Chris to finish so he could wipe his mouth.

Chris stopped throwing up after what seemed like forever, and Chris turned his head and Matt wiped his mouth before Chris fell into Nick and Nick helped him up flushing the toilet and helping him downstairs to his room.

Matt was still upstairs cleaning up the bathroom while Nick tucked Chris in his bed.

Chris sighed and turned the other way while Nick put a trashcan near Chris' bed and kissed Chris on the forehead smiling and rubbing his cheek "Okay sweetie your phone is plugged in I did that earlier for you so if you need me yell for me and if you can't yell call or text me alright?" Nick said as Chris nodded slowly before his breathing got slow.

Before Nick knew it Chris was asleep finally after all that...
Nick thought before smiling at Chris and taking his hand away from his face walking out of the room and closing the door gently and quietly behind him.

Nick sighed as he saw Matt laying down on the couch looking like he was about to fall asleep right on the spot.

Nick smiled and walked over putting Matt's head on his thigh and played with Matt's hair "Is the car clean? Is everything cleaned up?" Nick said hoping he wouldn't have to get up also being tired as fuck himself.

Matt nodded " Yeah uhm.. I did while you we-" Matt got cut off with a yawn as Nick smiled " Okay come on nap time for you." Nick said as he picked up Matt and took him to his bedroom laying him down on his bed.

Matt mumbled a 'thank you' and fell off to sleep.

Nick sighed closing Matt's door as he walked upstairs to his own room closing it as he walked in.

Nick changed his shirt knowing there'd be puke at least some where on it.

Nick sighed as he threw his other shirt in the hamper and shut off the light in his room then he lied down on his bed and plugged his phone in.

Nick also ended up falling asleep and clearly Chris just got sick from the bubly because after he woke up he felt so much better.

Now was it a stressful day for the Triplets?

Definitely. But they got through it together.

They'd always get through it.

Sorry I haven't been active like at all but I promise you I'm gonna try and get some chapters out soon!

But till I do I might just give you these short fluffy ones!


Love y'all!!💖💖

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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