Matt-Sad Day

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Heyy yall so I'm back with another one!

not a request

This will be about:

Matt wakes up feeling weird just upset he lets his brothers know and they help him through out the day he gets worse to the point where he gets sick.

TW: Crying, Throwing up, Panic attack (not really tbh just where he almost has one) pet names (again mostly from Nick)

Matt woke up and felt weird. not happy. not mad. not sad. Just weird......

he felt almost numb. but he shrugged it off and walked to the kitchen seeing Nick and Chris making breakfast together and listening to music and dancing around.

He sighed and walked to the couch and went on his phone putting his airpods in and watching Tiktok he teared up a bit and noticed Chris walking to the hallway he took his airpods out Chris came back and said " He's not there." Nick looked confused Matt rolled his eyes knowing Chris went to go wake him even though he was right here and they didn't see him.

"Seriously?!" Matt got up yelling " like fuck I'm right here I have been" Matt said finally letting at tear fall from his face Chris and Nick looked shocked Matt sat on the couch again " like I've felt like shit since I woke up" he sobbed "Matty." Nick said walking over to him and wrapping his arms around him and Matt fell into him sobbing in his chest.

Chris walked over wrapping his arms around Matt's other side Nick was stroking his hair "shhhhh Honey it's okay." Nick said holding Matt Chris was rocking them back and fourth after 5 minutes they noticed Matt fell asleep in their Arms Nick slowly picked up Matt with Chris's help of course and they took him to his room.

Nick Changed Matt out of his shirt that he's been wearing since yesterday and changed him into a softer and more baggy shirt and put a fresh love hoodie over it Chris plugged his phone in again and put his airpods back in their case and lied them on his nightstand Nick was already up next to him so Chris just went behind Nick and Nick made sure he was holding both of his Brothers before drifting off to sleep.

Matt woke up at 2PM in his Brothers arms and felt very sick to his stomach he turned and noticed Chris with his head on Nick's chest and Nick with his hand on his hair Matt was gonna get up but froze then he started shaking and bile started rising up his throat he pushed off Nick's arm and ran to his bathroom.

He fell straight to his knees when he was in front of the toilet he closed his eyes tight and started puking up everything he ate yesterday and water he drink late last night.

Matt heard footsteps and whispers running to him he just continued emptying his stomach into the toilet bowl he heard Nick gasp when he saw Matt on the floor throwing up in the toilet with his head pretty much buried in it.

Nick went and moved his hair out of the way and Chris got water for him and rubbed small circles on his back Matt stopped till there was nothing else for him to throw up "Shhh Babe." Nick said because Matt was starting to gasp for air Nick let go of his hair as Matt fell onto Nick and cried in his hands his back on Nick's chest.

"okay shhhh It's okay honey." Nick said kissing him on the top of his head

Matt couldn't stop crying he didn't fully even know why to be honest Nick picked him up taking him back to his bed with Chris behind him Matt went on his back sobbing "Honey it's okay shhhhhh" Nick was trying to calm him down but he was just freaking out it didn't take long for him to start breathing heavily and sobbing he was wheezing now and Nick and Chris went to him quickly and helped him sit up.

"okay Shhhh sweetie breathe." Nick said grabbing Matt's hand putting it on his chest "feel my heartbeat okay shhh" Matt started to sob harder and Chris moved his other hand to his chest " feel mine too. Buddy it's alright I promise." Matt broke down and moved his arms away falling onto Nick sobbing in his chest.

Nick helped him lay down and Chris went behind Matt on his other side and rubbed his back as Nick rocked him back and fourth.

His brothers stayed with him till they all fell asleep and Matt felt a little better the next day but still was stressed out but like always his brothers helped him through it.


k well I hated this one I was so lazy making it cause I'm so tired it's so late for me.

but love y'all!!

I'll edit this later btw likely tmr after school anyway byee!!

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