Chris- Heartbreak

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Omg So I thought of this while cleaning my room and listening to Heather and That Traitor mashup!

So Pretty much.

Chris meets a girl at a party he goes to by himself and likes her a lot but finds out she's dating someone.


TW: Crying, Swearing, Fluff, Pet Names.

This One will be sad for Chris girlys.


"Please You guys!" Chris whined following Nick and Matt to the kitchen " No Chris. What If something happens like you get drugged or some Shit no." Matt said "I Won't I'll just be hanging around! not even drinking anything I promise!" Chris whined once again.

The three reach the kitchen and stopped turning to Chris "Fine! but only till 10. and it's 6 right now." Nick said "Yay!!! Thank you guys!!!" Chris hugged them both quickly and ran to his room getting his outfit ready.

Once Chris was changed he grabbed his phone and ran out of his room "Matt I'm ready let's go!" he heard Matt yell "Okay jeez!!!"

Chris waited at the door and saw Nick and Matt walking over. He smiled and walked to the car and Matt unlocked it letting Chris get in quickly.

After Nick and Matt got in Matt started driving to the address the party was at. 

When they got there Matt stopped and Chris grabbed his phone and opened the car door "10 remember Chris!" Nick yelled Chris gave a thumbs up running inside.

Once Chris got in he slipped his phone in his pocket and walked over to some of his friends.

-Time Skip-

It was 8 and Chris was sitting on a random chair alone because his friends were drinking now and he couldn't so he was just scrolling on his phone till he saw a girl sit next to him on a chair.

The girl turned her head " Oh Hey! Sorry didn't see you over here." Chris smiled " No It's fine." The Girl smiled back " Well I'm Emma! But Em for short!" She put her hand out and Chris shook it.

Wow She's really pretty.. Chris thought "Uhm Your really pretty you know that?.." Chris said and covered his mouth right after Emma smiled "Sorry That just slipped out!" "No It's okay! Thank you... Your really handsome." Emma looked into his eyes Chris was about to say something but a random guy came up and kissed Emma.

Chris felt confused and Broken. But mostly Worried. Is that just a drunk dude kissing her? Chris Thought the guy pulled away and smiled "God Andy!" Emma pushed Andy and Andy grinned " I missed you." "It's been like an hour!" Emma smiled and they kissed again.

Chris got up and walked towards the front door and texted Matt "Can You Come Get me early please?" Chris sent the text and got a text back right after " Yeah you good?" Chris read the text "Yeah just bored." Chris sent the text "K We're on our way." Matt texted back Chris turned his phone off and waited.

After 15 minutes The car pulled up and a honk went off and he started to walk away but someone grabbed his arm and he turned "Yeah?" It was Emma.

" Hey I was wondering if I could get your number?" Emma asked Andy behind her kissing her on her neck. Chris sighed "Sure." He took her phone that was already unlocked and added his number in and looked up seeing Emma and Andy kissing again.

Chris rolled his eyes and put her phone in her open purse and ran off to the car.

Nick and Matt were smiling when he got in " oooo Who's that?" Nick asked "Shut the fuck up kid." Chris said slamming his door shut and resting his head on the window.

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