Chris- Mental Health

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Heyy! So this Chapter was requested by 

AboiHey2  Where Chris has really bad mental health!

TW: Crying, Swearing, SH, blood, mentions of bullying, swearing, Pet names(had to have cuteness in here), Fluff (well duh) Throwing up.

Hope you enjoy! btw this one will be long lol

Chris knew there was something wrong with him. His Brothers knew. His Mom knew. His Dad knew. Justin knew. his friends knew.

And they had tried to help him in the past but he didn't let them.

He thought he was getting better. he felt better mentally and physically... It didn't last long.

2 weeks only two. Chris felt like he deserved more. he tried so hard. so hard.

So hard. He thought he was at least important enough to get more. But no.

It was 8:25AM in the morning and Chris shot up breathing heavily and sweating. He had another Nightmare. These ones sucked He had nightmares of his bullies coming to kill him like they had tried in High school.

Chris felt numb after calming down his arms were still hurting from last night.

Chris sighed getting up and walking to his bathroom. he checked his scars and his cuts from last night they were red and bleeding a bit.

He wrapped them up and splashed cold water on his face to calm him down and grabbed a black hoodie from his closet and changed and walked out of his room blasting music in his ears with his airpods.

He saw his brothers making breakfast and walked to the couch flopping on it after 2 minutes he felt his brothers eyes on him and he looked at them and they looked concerned and took one airpod out to hear them and got up walking to the dining table.

Nick walked over placing a hand on Chris's back and asked " Honey you doing okay?" Chris looked and almost teared up bit his bottom lip and smiled "Of course!" He said

Nick looked at Matt and Matt shook his head "Can you just tell us what's wrong Buddy?" Matt asked going over to him " Nothing's wrong." Chris said getting up and starting to walk away but Nick had grabbed his arm.

Chris wanted to scream Nick grabbed right where his cuts were but he just yelled at Nick " Don't Fucking grab my arm like that!" Nick quickly let go and looked shocked Matt went to Nick " Chris Chill for a sec will you?" Matt said before rubbing Nick on his shoulder.

"No! I won't Chill Nick just fucking grabbed my arm for no reason like if anything tell him to calm down." Matt looked confused and angry " Don't Talk to him like that bitch." Matt said Chris knew why Matt was standing up for Nick so much He was just trying to help and Chris freaked out on him But Chris didn't care right now.

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