Matt- Stomachache

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This was requested by myst1cvampires Where Matt gets Anxious and gets a stomachache from it!

TW: Throwing up, Crying, Fluff, Swearing, Petnames.


Matt had been feeling shitty all day long.

Headache, little fever, feeling dizzy, and feeling anxious.


Matt wasn't bad enough to hide in his room all day.

Matt got up from his bed stumbling to his door and unlocking it walking out as he saw his brothers watching TV.

Matt sighed and walked to the kitchen and poured himself some orange juice.

Nick looked over at Matt "Hey bud your up late." Matt nodded and shrugged "Guess I was just extra tired." Matt said noticing Nick raising his eyebrows giving Matt a 'Really?' Look.

Matt nodded and walked over to the couch placing his cup of orange juice on the coffee table and sitting down next to Chris pulling out his phone.

Suddenly Matt felt his stomach twist and sighed laying his hand on it. Matt moved his legs up onto Chris' legs.

Chris smiled at Matt and rubbed one of Matt's thighs up and down. Nick sighed "Well I have some editing to do so I'll see you guys later, Love you." Nick said getting up and walking upstairs to his room.

Matt waved at Nick "Love you too." Chris said.

Chris turned off the TV "I think I'm gonna go shower and just hang out in my room for a bit." Chris moved Matt's legs off his own gently and getting up walking downstairs to his room.

Matt sighed and thought he'd just take a nap to try and get rid of his stomachache. As Matt walked to his room he stopped and realized that later tonight they had to film a video.

Fucking great. Matt thought as he made it to his room and shut the door getting into his bed and covering himself with his comforter.

-Time skip-

Matt woke up and whined at how bad his stomach hurt he knew it was his anxiety but it had never been this bad.

Matt got up and looked at his phone noticing it had only been 2 hours.

Matt opened his door and went upstairs to Nick's room and saw Nick still editing.

Nick sighed as Matt went over to him and lied his head on Nick's shoulder "Hey Bub you alright?" Nick asked patting Matt on his shoulder.

Matt shook his head and Nick took off his headphones taking Matt's hands and bringing him to his bed "Well what's going on?" Nick said brushing some of Matt's hair to the side.

Matt whined and shook his head "I want Chris.." Matt said with tears in his eyes Nick nodded "Okay babe I'll be right back with him." Nick said kissing Matt on the top of his head gently and walking out of his room leaving Matt alone.

Matt groaned as his stomach churned.

Matt covered his mouth and ran to Nick's bathroom.

The second he dropped in front of the toilet he removed his hand and threw up bile.


Nick ran to Chris' bedroom and opened the door without knocking.

Chris jumped and gave Nick a look "Chris come on somethings going on with Matt and he wants you." Nick said running back upstairs.

Chris got up and followed Nick and when they reached Nick's room they heard coughing and sobs coming from the bathroom.

The two ran to Nick's bathroom and saw Matt over the toilet dry heaving.

Nick ran over and moved Matt's hair away from his mouth as Chris grabbed a rag and rubbed soothing circles on Matt's back.

Matt continued to throw up as Nick rubbed his stomach.

Matt finally stopped and fell backwards onto Chris while Nick flushed the toilet and rubbed Matt's cheek up and down.

Matt looked at Nick and grabbed his other hand that wasn't rubbing his cheek and held it.

Chris and Nick shared a glance and nodded "Matty why don't we go to Nick's bed and you tell us what's going on... Then.. we can cuddle and take a nap?" Chris asked.

Nick nodded "That sound okay honey?" Nick said taking his hand away from his face and rubbing Matt's stomach to try and settle it.

Matt sighed and nodded his head letting Nick pick him up and take him out of the bathroom onto Nick's bed.

Once Matt was against Chris and comfortable while Nick sat in front of him holding one of his hands Matt took a shaky breath.

"Well it's just.. first we were struggling to get videos done..... Then of course that caused us to start getting videos out late and we were behind on filming... And your... Just editing so much I can rarely see you anymore.." Matt said looking at Nick as more tears filled his eyes.

Nick frowned and came closer to Matt and lied his head on Matt's shoulder " I know sweetheart. I'm sorry but I promise I'm gonna start taking breaks and hanging out with you and Chrissy more often okay?" Nick said looking down at Matt as Matt nodded and continued.

"But it's just been really hard... My anxiety was already over the roof then all of this happened... And it just made me worse... So I'm sorry about today.." Matt said as he buried his face deeper  into Chris' shoulder.

Chris kissed Matt lightly on his head " It's okay bub. Stuff like this can happen." Chris said as Nick nodded " Yeah. I'll let the fans know we're not gonna film tonight and we will once you get better." Matt sniffled and nodded" Okay.. thank you.. both of you.." Chris smiled " Of course we love you."

After Nick had let the fans know they weren't gonna be posting for a little he looked over and saw Matt fast asleep and Chris half awake.

Nick smiled and snuggled closer to them right as Chris fell asleep.

Nick whispered " I love you guys."

I mean Nick would always love them.

They'd always love each other.


So that was it!

I don't know why this took so long to come out!

But I promise I'm gonna try and get requests out faster!

But of course school stressed me out... Like usual..😑😑


Love y'all!!!

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