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First Nick story AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

I'm a Nick girly so I'm so excited!!

TW: Throwing up, fluff (LIKE ALWAYSSS✨✨✨✨✨), Pet names (from all of them)

Pretty much The boys do driving lessons but Chris drives first and makes Nick carsick(I feel so bad for Nicky lol)

"Hurry up Nick!!!" Matt yelled walking to the front door "Coming!" Nick screamed getting his stuff and running out the front door locking it behind him He opened the car door and went in the back sitting in the middle and sighed when he saw Chris in the drivers seat "oh god I'm gonna die this is it." Chris laughed " You won't die! I'll go slow and steady for you" Nick nodded "you better Honey."

It had been 30 minutes and Nick was on his phone and started to feel sick but just thought it was because he was on his phone so he shut it off and started talking with his brothers and laughing.

Nick wasn't getting better he was feeling worse and he knew he was pale. Him and his brothers were talking about random things and he stopped talking and put his head in his hands Matt laughed " I know right Nick how about you!?" Matt turned and looked in the back.

"Nicky?" Nick was covering his face and Matt pulled his hands away and saw how pale he was " Chris. pull over" Matt said still watching Nick and Chris didn't say anything and pulled over quickly.

Nick threw his door open and ran to the bushes and started throwing up like crazy after like 5 seconds of being alone Nick felt his hair being pushed away and an hand rubbing his back.

Nick stopped and groaned "It's alright bub." Matt said letting his hair fall back down Chris sighed " So I'm that bad at driving?" Nick chuckled a bit and stood up "But are you okay Nicky?" Chris asked playing with his hair Nick shrugged "let Matt drive now at least." Matt nodded and Chris smiled and laughed " Fine." 

Nick went back in the car and Chris came back with him and lied Nick's head on his lap and played with his hair and Nick fell asleep.

When they got back home Matt helped Chris get Nick to his room without waking him up Chris took Nick's phone and plugged it in And Matt flopped down Next to Nick on his bed and made room for Chris between him and Nick and patted at it and Chris came over.

Matt was playing with Chris's hair to help him fall asleep and before he knew it Chris was lightly snoring and Matt smiled sitting up to see if Nick was still asleep and he was when Matt looked so he lied down himself and soon fell asleep.

The next morning Nick only had a headache and was extra tired other than that he was better.

The triplets also agreed to never let Chris drive again.


I know it was short I'm sorry I have a lot to do tonight and it was rushed Don't worry though Nicky was get more chapters soon!

Byee! Love you guys!

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