28 Emotions

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"Those are... pretty good pictures. Oh yeah, that one especially. So hot." Jisoo was teasingly flipping through the printed out pictures of Lisa kissing Diana last night. The con-woman was standing right next to her, rolling her eyes hard and trying not to let Jisoo's teasing get to her too much. 

"Chu stop it."

"No really, you did a good job. If that doesn't flush our kidnapper out, then I don't know what will."

Lisa sighed heavily. "I'm dreading this whole case."

Jisoo threw her an unimpressed look. "Please Manoban! You got to kiss a pretty girl and it's not like you're leading her on for real. You are protecting her. From bad guys! You're doing good work. Stop freaking out so much!"

"You know why I'm freaking out." Lisa just mumbled under her breath. 

Jisoo tilted her head and hummed affirmatively, then decided to drop the topic for a different one. "Why was Bambam there last night? And why the hell did he send me an invoice for five hours of PI work to be paid in cash?"

That made Lisa chuckle heartily. It was so like Bambam to do something like that. "His pictures are good, you said so yourself. He did some honest work for once. I bet he thought you'd appreciate that."

"I'll pay him when he gives me a legal name and a social security number." Jisoo deadpanned and Lisa couldn't help but snort out a little laugh at the agent because that was never going to happen. 

"Seriously Lis, why was he there? What did he tell our PI? I saw them talking." Jisoo pressed now more than before. Lisa knew she just wanted to make sure her case was not compromised somehow. Bambam could have been a breach but Jisoo knew he and Lisa were smarter than that. She did trust them. Otherwise Lisa was sure, Jisoo would have removed Bam - willingly or not - from her scene.

"He just told the guy who I really am."

Jisoo was about to gasp and scold Lisa but the con-woman held up a hand and talked over her. "Don't worry. He did not say I'm with you guys. He told him I'm a con-artist who is after Diana's money. We'll flush the kidnapper out faster if they know."

Jisoo's mouth closed again and she watched Lisa out of her dark hawk eyes. "Smart." She granted but didn't comment any further. 

"So what now?" Lisa inquired. "We wait?"

That moment Jennie came into the conference room with her jacket swung over her shoulder and she threw her phone on the table as if she was already exhausted from the day. It was only ten in the morning. 

Lisa met her handler's eyes and this time Jennie didn't look away but there was a strange aura around her. Something uneasy. But neither Lisa, nor Jisoo were surprised by that. 

"We just installed the security camera outside of Chun Ho Jin's PI office. He's gonna present JYP's wife with his findings today." Jennie told her colleague.

Jisoo nodded. "Thanks." Then she looked at Lisa, answering her question. "So yeah, we wait."

"You've also got eyes on-" Lisa was about to ask but Jennie stopped her.

"We've got eyes on Diana. Don't worry."

"Good... Good." The con-woman nodded. She really didn't want anything to happen to this woman. She didn't deserve this.

"Lisa, can I talk to you for a second?" Jennie spoke up again and fixed her CI's gaze. Lisa's pulse spiked and she couldn't even guess what this was about since Jennie held her professional poker face in place far too well. Jisoo was around and Jennie had no idea that her friend knew about the kiss. 

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