Chapter 3

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“No, no, that’s okay.”

Bella looked at her truck and then to me again. “Jasper,” she said sweetly. “Get in the truck.” She finished firmly.

“Really Bella, it’s okay. I can run home. I don’t want you to be afraid of me.” I helped her into the cab. Edward had done a pretty good job at scary her when it came to me so I didn’t want to push her limits. She was still holding my hand and just as I pushed her into her seat, she pulled me with her, taking me by surprise. I was now in the driver seat.

“You won’t scare me. I’ve always known you were the one with the best control. Now, why don’t you drive yourself home and I’ll get myself home from there?” She said and I felt as her pride grew. She was proud of me? Home? UGH OH! Do I tell her? Well she is proud of me, maybe she’ll still be proud of me even when she knows.

“Ugh, Bella, I don’t really have a home right now.”

She was confused and I felt as worry started bubbling in her. “What do you mean?”

I hesitated. “Some things happened and I’m not part of the Cullen family anymore, well I am to Esme, Carlisle, and Rose.” They loved me and would always love me. In fact, Rose was coming to visit me in a few days.

She was wondering about something, but didn’t ask. “Drive to my house.” Bella instructed and I did as she said. Once we reached her house, the police car was easy to spot. “Come in with me.” She wasn’t asking. I got out and quickly went to open Bella’s door for her.  “Hey dad,” she called as we entered the house.

“Hey Bells,” Charlie smiled and paused. “Uh, Bells, who is this?” He was not curious more like furious. He knew who I was. Bella explained quickly what was going on and gave him the most horribly heartbreaking look I’d ever seen. He looked at me for a minute or two before speaking. “Well, I can’t let a kid go without a place to lie down his head.” Bella’s emotions turned happy once again. “We have a spare room. You can call it your own from now on.” Looking at Bella, “Show it to him and please, you two, don’t be hooking up under my roof.” Bella and I laughed, but she blushed as she led the way to the room.

“Problem solved. However, if you don’t feel comfortable lying in this room all alone at night, you’re welcome to stay in mine while I sleep.”

“Bella, are you sure?” I was worried. I didn’t want to impose and I didn’t was to do anything to her emotions. For goodness sake, Edward left her and I didn’t want her hurting from the reminder.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m right next door if you need me. “She reassured and left. I could hear her moving around the house, but I gave her space. The room was tan; the bed was a four poster with a green comforter. There was a dresser, desk, and closet as well. I lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

I missed my family, but I understood why Carlisle sent me away. It was better for one person to go instead of three or four depending on Rose. I missed Rose. We might not be real twins, but we sure are as close as twins. I’m excited to see her, but what will she say when she hears I’m living at Bella’s? I wonder if Alice knows? Alice… my sweet Alice. I started to cry. I missed her. It pained me to think about her. My love, betraying me!

There was a knock on the door and it opened. Her light footsteps came towards the bed and I felt hot arms around my body. “Jasper,” Bella whispered. “What’s wrong?” I couldn’t tell her. I began to sob. Her arms then brought me closer so I was cuddled to her. “Tell me what’s wrong. Maybe I can make it better.” She was hopeful.

“Bella, I lost Alice.” I sobbed again. “Edward, he… he took her from me. Emmet tried to stop me when I attacked Edward, but I just hurt him. He flew into a tree. He hates me.” I stopped talking so I could cry. “Alice, she didn’t love me. She told me lies.”

Pain filled he emotions and I felt bad for bring up Edward. “If Alice doesn’t love you than that is her loss because you are an amazing man.” Bella spoke honestly and I realized that was why she was in pain. She was hurting for me. I held her in my arms now too. “You listen to me, Mr. Whitlock. You deserve so much better than that. Don’t give up on love.” She whispered to me..

I pulled away to look at her face. “I guess you’d be the best to give that advice.” She was so strong now. Not the weak little Bella everyone seemed to think she was. I turned away as embarrassment filled me. “I’m sorry. You shouldn’t have to see me like this.”

Her fingers went under my chin and turned my face to her. “Don’t apologize. I’m here for you.” He lips pressed lightly to my cheek. “Want to come watch me make dinner?” I followed her downstairs to the kitchen. Charlie was asleep on the couch with one leg hanging over the side and one sock off. Bella let out a giggle and my heart stopped. It was innocent and sweet.

I watched as Bella started pulling out ingredients, one catching my eye. Mozzarella cheese, yum. I took a small hand full, trying to be sneaky, but she caught me. I ate it happily and Bella looked amused. “How’d you do that?”

“Magic,” I wiggled my fingers. “I like some human food.” She let out another giggle.

“Does that mean you’ll eat dinner with us?” Hopeful, again.

“Is that an invite?” I asked.

Her cheeks turned pink. “You’re always invited.” I chuckled at her embarrassment.

“What can I do to help then?” If I was going to eat with them than I wanted to help, she shouldn’t have to do it all.

“Well, I know I’m not asking you to work with the cheese.” Bella teased. I scowled at her. She put me to work on cutting the squash and garlic since she didn’t want to risk cutting herself. We cooked in silence and she was completely at ease.

“Um, Bella,” I broke the silence. I should tell her about Rose.

“Yeah, Jasper?”

“Rose is coming to visit me in two days.”

Bella stiffened. “Okay, well you are more than welcome to invite her here for a little unless you’d rather take her somewhere else.” That surprised me. Bella and Rose never got along.

“Really? That doesn’t make you uncomfortable?”

She sighed. “I figured that if you are different than what Edward told me than maybe she is too. I should at least give her a fair chance.” I couldn’t help but smile at her.

“Alright,” was the only thing I said.

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